
More R2 BS, UNM demo dudes detained, Margvel miffed, MAP angst, Football Fed Vote Rig, KazTransGas mess, inflation up, bent prison tenders, Marneuli Free Dems bolt, soldier shot in heart, Mayor subsidizes shuki, cheap loans, Geo Paris fashion leader, arrests in Greece, no Stalin in Gori, Meria exits, Leuville plan, Russian drafting, best actor Tolordava, Peru consul, road accidents, Batumi madrasa, small airports, new Radisson, Vale RR, Maltakva funds, Subu arrest, 17YO chess champ, Racha grapes 5 teti/KG, Kobuleti floods, arm wrestling, London sculpture, budget, proc comp, Lelo Gorgodze


GoG seizes Rustavi 2 holding company, PM/Pres NY trips, lisence to drive badly, CoE Parliament says GoG abuses prison politically, Margvel says no political pardons, lari up a bit, Duisi gets female chief, Kaladze Gazprom chat, Burjanadze in Russia (again), flood victim identified, Gori and the Stalin statue, German loans, neutrality demo, Rustavi soldier funeral, SO ABL kidnapping, father discrimination, new Batumi 5 star hotel, Leuville to Georgia, honey tests, 60 air quality test gizmos, GoG to take over from Gates, Polish grant, Stalingrad repatriation, silver coin, Vasco da Gama soprano in Berlin, Water Polo, Japan kindergarten Sachkhere, Ralph Fiennes show up, Kancheli birthday, prosecutor law, no jail for weed law, no conscription law, and as always constitutional standstill, hate crime punished, Misha and Odessa


Gigi Ugulava out then back in, Judges harassed, Brits warn re PaNOrama, lari hits ’99 low, Afghan death, 2016 growth 3 percent, EUMM head heads north, FM to France, Dima says ed min corruption, to delegations to UN NYC, Jordan MPs, ADB loan, IFC loan, priest slugs flag guy, suicide, Tech Park, US tax deal, MCC on vocations, Gudauri Radisson, anti-hail shell falls on house, shopping fraud arrests, fencer silver, bird watching Batumi, Geo culture house in Yiwu China, Georgian artist in NYC, TBC fonts, Dinola, separated twins, Ushba record, judoka gold, Financial Supervisors named, prosecutor council, constitutional changes 2020, Shishani


Turava ill but Gigi’s sprung, cheap grapes, Chinese power plant, Margvel Poroshenko talk, US Ambo Kelly arrives, Albanian chat, OGP, Russian OSCE parl will show up, anti- Misha petition, tolerance class not happening, Svan dam, 3M Euro Agro, Gurieli factory in Ozurgeti, some Zoo opens, Italian biz in Abkhazia, 80 Gali students in Tbilisi, #ElectricYerevan back, China beauty TV in Geo, 400 Geos in Antalya no plane, East Point mall, prisoner improvements, Tbilisi Minsk, back to school, Svaneti museum award, Dinola movie, Vegas wrestling champ, Tskitishvili back in NBA, Moira movie, Chief Prosecutor appointment plan ajapsandali


Judges bleeds Rustavi 2, +Messi!!! another fence move, internet providers merge to become monopoly, interest rates up, UNM guys tangle with cops, Georgian volunteer dies in Ukraine, Ukrainian air force general visits Tbilisi, August war commemoration statements, GRECO says Geo should look at its campaign finance situation, cop shot in Alvani, monastery Russian dog fight, Russian media says a Teriel Oniani connected thief was nabbed, tankodrome. flights, Viber no Sovereign visitor issues, woman ministers want heroes in schools, old Sokhumi mass graves, grapes, Indian hotels, Didgoroba, foresters, Gubaz in Iran again, table cloths


Kill bridge and bike, Russia warns on wine, Margvel on bank supervision veto, interior min shuffle, Interpol crankiness, Lari drop, Nino Burj no go Kiev, pipeline explosion, Dream election prep, car crashes, China like wine, NATO Jens will visit, Turks nab giant contraband cigarette haul, visa fee down, new sentences for old officials, Zhvania’s mom thinks its Vano, 10 medals, most judo, UEFA fines FC Dinamo, travel warning to SE Turkey, Khobi shuki, Signaghi water, new blood processing place, fires, Gldani martshutka drivers strike, flood money, no-TV posters, Heineken brewery in Natakhtari, oil companies sue, Belarus Ushba death, Vardzia earthquake, Rostov flights yes, Tehran flights delayed, dairy labeling, Kakheti water problems, Georgian language at Buenos Aires U, ski project, Rugby shop


Flood stuff, Khaduri in China signs AIIB, Pankisi ISIS fighter death, Ilia not with US Supreme Court, Kvitashvili out? biletebi.ge mess, Tamriko in Minsk, Swedes buy Europe-bet, Nat Bank ups rates, Econ Min gone, RR cargo sale, Austrian embassies, NATO stuff, IPRM talks canal cleaning, Russia stops inmate transfer, Kelly US Ambo confirmed, Rustaveli Airport, Rustavi steel fired people, Interpol pick-ups, no Abkhaz visas, Gonio development, Old Town hotel, US Navy ship in Batumi, TSU and Trinity in Dublin, Kvevri House, financial supervisory authority bill passed first reading, Greece remittances.


Misha in Odessa, Tiniko at NATO HQ, Ilves in Tbilisi, Margvel says he’ll veto bank supervision bill, multi-member constituency (regional proportional) momentum, kist drive by, Tibilov Putin meet, Econ min for sale, BI buys Pirosmani, Golden Arches in Zugdidi, Svan dam, Anaklia port short list, Alphabet tower Batumi, Georgia-EU committee, legalize it demo, UN says IDPs can come back, Hep C drugs for Abkhaz Ossets, new dept on state property seizing, OGP meeting, Police day, children’s hospice, Dadiani castle, another shepherd abduction, old Abkhaz mass graves opened, Polish Svaneti airlift, rafts, hail-rocket. Karate judo medals, pharmacies fined for taping calls, Cairo and Kazakh flights, 2000 year old win cellar found in Tbilisi, Innsbruck opera, runway repair, America Days, inflation, parliament towing change, marriage age bill, armed group bill, Levan Berdzenishvili committee, media: khingali, red-intelegencia, Russian visitor numbers up


Tiniko DefMin, NDI numbers, EBRD, cabinet shuffle, Pillsbury for GoG, Armos and Ossets in Karabakh, EU charm trips, CoE wants into ABL, US materiel, Interior reforms, Moldova Ukraine Geo parl chat shop, Poti strike, inflation, Gali kid death for not paying bribe, Rezo Chkheidze died, Chiatura demos, US puts 5 million on Batirashvili of ISIS, consulate in West Jerusalem, wine to China, Kharagauli football game fixing, fuel hike, importing Russian sheep, Tbilisi Dev Fund boss fired, run, rare mammal spottings, top young pianists, Unfriended horror grosses, Italian doc on skiing, Bush painted over, immigration law getting fixed, parliament article, 3.7 mil pop, pre-Riga EU visa free issues, Kordzaia to Reps, Proc appointed by parliament soon, Tsul says, Interior and Security to be resplit, Chinese ag min in town, European Court of Human Rights says Gov caused problems in pro-tolerance march 17 May 2015, TBC gets awards, RMG gold probs, Lailash bible mess, Russian bikers, Guria governor, army convictions for mistreating conscripts, Donetsk recognizes SO and Abkh, SOCAR illegal trip for DC brass, Kobuleti fires and others, Kaladze on energy prices, Moscow Georgian and his million $ diet bracelet, Dominos, Sundance, pork


Tiniko DefMin, NDI numbers, EBRD, cabinet shuffle, Pillsbury for GoG, Armos and Ossets in Karabakh, EU charm trips, CoE wants into ABL, US materiel, Interior reforms, Moldova Ukraine Geo parl chat shop, Poti strike, inflation, Gali kid death for not paying bribe, Rezo Chkheidze died, Chiatura demos, US puts 5 million on Batirashvili of ISIS, consulate in West Jerusalem, wine to China, Kharagauli football game fixing, fuel hike, importing Russian sheep, Tbilisi Dev Fund boss fired, run, rare mammal spottings, top young pianists, Unfriended horror grosses, Italian doc on skiing, Bush painted over, immigration law getting fixed, parliament article, 3.7 mil pop, pre-Riga EU visa free issues, Kordzaia to Reps, Proc appointed by parliament soon, Tsul says, Interior and Security to be resplit, Chinese ag min in town, European Court of Human Rights says Gov caused problems in pro-tolerance march 17 May 2015, TBC gets awards, RMG gold probs, Lailash bible mess, Russian bikers, Guria governor, army convictions for mistreating conscripts, Donetsk recognizes SO and Abkh, SOCAR illegal trip for DC brass, Kobuleti fires and others, Kaladze on energy prices, Moscow Georgian and his million $ diet bracelet, Dominos, Sundance, pork


Beso Khardziani killed, maybe re Kus Tba, Def Min in France re air defense, no extradition for Misha, IPP drop, PM delays Kiev trip cause ticked, FM in Brussels, Usup wants to speed up constitution comish, EU neighborhood reports says all, Germans ratify Asoc Agreement, new Geo NAto guy, Margvel to meet Pope, Azeris detain Gogia of Human Rights Watch, Armenian sportsmen to Baku, Margvel no thanks to Kremlin for WWII visit, Ucha slams Prosecutors, new rebel judge to Constitutional Court, NATO conference with Larry Diamond in Tbilisi, young Geo inventors to NASA, Israeli aviation factory planned, Dinola movie prize, SO scholarships, Batumi synagogue returned, Ergneti chat, Polish Army deal, Lelo Rugby update, Geo open gov rank high, wine to China, Gardabani greenhouse, Samegrelo wind, Georgia in AIIB, wind farm, Nowruz fail, more flights, fake visa priests, Hilton Batumi opens, free Kakheti WiFi park, Margvel speech dis, Shushanik, Snoop


Just Min dises Persians etc, Russia drills, China econ trip, gamgeblebi better build, lari news, photo puncher, gov upholstery ban, dep FM neighborhood chat, Czech shuki front ticked, OSCE longing, Brazil visa free, goofy Batumi tower sold, NetGazeti prize, Georgians at US Coast Guard Academy died in car wreck, female prisoners pardoned, Geo soldiers go to Afghanistan, Japan bus aid, EU vocation cash, Swiss meat in Racha, almond planting, stop for those on foot, Gabriadze at Lincoln Center, Kakheti anti hail missiles, tax forgiven, lynx spotted, Margvel speech, noise law


5 cops charged for ’06 op in VazagashviliGate, NATO Vershbow visit, Irma Inaishvili Kvitsiani protest re punishing UNM, BI’s research on NGO leaders, NATO meeting, Public Defender lawsuit on Interior Min server hoover, Kadagidze on exchange rate and growth, Guerrilla Gardening Vake Park hotel protests, PaNOrama protests, Econ and Energy mins in Kiev, John Kerry to visit Tbilisi, Adeishvili in Kiev, Rustavi 2 interview on Vazagashvili, DCFTA with EU non EEC member, US 51 million for Geo and Moldova, two more charged re Zhvania death, Margvel discussed new parliament structure multi-member constituencies, Putin signs Abkhazia annexation, Russian border guards attach Abkhaz Armenians, Socar and gas price increase, Donetsk unrecognized states summit, new proc dept on legal proceeding botch ups, USAID good gov, Human Rights Watch says Geo not dealing with attacks against UNM, Free Generation rab rousers, Meskhi to Oscars, EU ILO pay for union chats, Synetic Theater in DC awards, Chinese hotel Tbilisi Sea, French in Tskhaltubo, Margvel son born, labor migration law mess


Getsadze and Ebanoidze appointed in Ukraine, Identoba threatened, Estonian PM says EU visa free in the bag, NDI Armenia closes, NATO talks in Brussels (Va!), Margvel appoints GYLA guy, more inclusion hopes for Supreme Court chair candidates, new lower Lari level, PM disses Pres on Parl speech, Mish sounds off on Geo Daesh guys, BI guest not host on show, Panorama plows ahead illegal and permit-less, Generation v Zone, 6K old Beri Kldeebi site permit-less builders, 5 killed in Gali, Geo taken from garden by Ossetians, ProCredit sells small loans, everybody Je Suis Charlie, Chikaidze says domestic violence is bad, big parking garage planned, Krtsanisi village protest, IFC cash to bottle plant, US ticked at Putin fan conductor Gergiev and singer Netrebko, embassy in Riyadh, textile plant, gov building inventory, Cartu talks new technical Univ, Rixos hotel in Likani, Jerusalem/Sokhumi/Santa, Kabanadze in Bagram with Breedlove, Japanese & Elkana, Dunkin Donuts, litter 120 lari fine, foreign fighter law


Info man Kldiashvili arrest, Russian mining giant restart at Sakdrisi, US money appears, Russia sanctions, Zguladze Ukraine min, Interior reform, MEPs vote for Georgia, Kremlin annoyed with Georgia’s unrestrained NATO fetish so annex Abkhazia, EUMM two more years, Def Min employee arrested for 400 lari bribe, Latvian FM said EU visa grew for Georgia in 2015, lari drop, Zhvania guard released on bail, Otsneba wants to boot Free Dem Budget Committee chair, more Mokhe, Geo Airways still ticked, Margvel in Ashgabad, Dubliners deal with traffic, Georgian army with Germans to Mazar-i-Sharif, Mandarinebi for Golden Globe, 3K year old find in Kakheti, Harvard Georigan chair maybe, NY voices concert, liver transplant, CEC appointments, budget, excise, Arabs and girls, Mbube


Garibash team shrinks, Lari tanks, Interior deck chair arrangement, Georgian Daesh death, Beruch & Turks, Steinmeier in Tbilisi, Armo PM in Tbilisi, Beruch & Kerry, NATO brass in Tbilisi, BoG buys Kiev PrivatBank, Ucha mad re Batumi prison beatings, Misha says Geo officers fight in Ukraine DefMin says BS, BI disses Alasania, Azeri Journo Ismailova jailed, TBL protest, Mtvari water level, Geo Air ticked at Rus Air, funerals for Abkhaz war victims, CAR troop replacement, gold at Sarpi, North Cauk drills, Mistro journo locked up at Grigory Leps concert, Margvel gives Zhvania medal, another husband kills wife, Georgian video app does well on app store, Geo DC theater, Health min proposes limits on women’s reproductive rights, parliamentary majority prevents pres from proposing bills, Chirkva interview, Mdivani charming prince, FDI numbers


RIP Bendukidze, Beruchashvili now FM, Garibashvili Alasania spar, BI interview gems, Otsneba lobbying in DC, Pankisi fight, tranny killed, new Vano Misha charges, al Shishani killed? Margvel to Parl re EW, Narmania starts plating seeds. EBRD Dariali dam, angry priests, Abkhaz water to Sokhumi.


RIP Bendukidze, Beruchashvili now FM, Garibashvili Alasania spar, BI interview gems, Otsneba lobbying in DC, Pankisi fight, tranny killed, new Vano Misha charges, al Shishani killed? Margvel to Parl re EW, Narmania starts plating seeds. EBRD Dariali dam, angry priests, Abkhaz water to Sokhumi,


Free Fight on Pekini, fewer Abkhaz crossings, Jankarashvili runs Dream Party, PM notes residence permit probs, BI show plan is back, budget, Mogherini comments, Petriashvili in Brussels, Proc says Erosi not murdered, Geo couple detained in S.O., Russia leaves FLEX, spots to Neighborhood, Geo Lith Nato exercises, Zhvania guards tried, Margvel pardons, UNM council members not allowed in meeting, OSCE parl will meet in Batumi in 2016, GoG learn Geo site, Russia doesn’t want rebel training in Geo, Margvel Forbes interview, Margvel DC trip, Jehovahs Strasbourg win, illegal migrant facility opens, theater director Chkheidze back, Tangerines movie gets another award, new ambulances, Tkibuli earthquake, Iveri LGBT concert delay, vets kids get free MAs, Surami IDPs, 37th mass baptism, kickboxing win, Botti concert, Georgian film in Pusan, pensions


Kist killed in Syria, Patriarch cut radio slack, says TI, Asaval-Dasavali donnybrook, ex-mayor employees threatened to quit, PACE stuff, Zhvania to be exhumed, Janashia’s family hit, Khajimba picks Butba as PM, PM at UN, PM thanks BI, Margel in Istanbul, new app TravelGIS, Geo high media freedom but worst place to live in Europe, EU’s Hahn speaks, Geo NATO Lahiu speaks, Georgian ok in Turkey schools, Deltas to Saudi, Kist stabs sister, hunger strike in Kutaisi, noise bill, IFC funds dairy, new Bolnisi dig, 6K bc. wine to China, west rain, Georgian films to Georgia from Russia, Kutaisi gas explosion, Kutaisi Budapest flights, Corn Island movie wins another award, Margvel reappoints, Beselia’s English, Photo Festival, Doc Fest


Deputy Mayors, more Misha stuff, Azeri soccer clash, Margvel’s judges rejected, NSC meeting, PM on media and NGO bias, Nato chief means business, US Russia sanctions, IMF cash, Azeri gas rule, Kakheti village water demo, mine worker death, Erdogan insulted by being called Georgian, new government charity fund, another KaZantip protest, five tons of plani, Batumi hotels, Studio Monitor on TB, Akhalgori schools skip Geo Hist, Osset Russians detain guys, free trade suspension, move bike, pardons, Geo D&G model, new cheap flights, Baku NY flights, Gvinjilia wins Benext, asylum desk at airport, Dartlo etc remonti, small biz help, Ajara skiing, Geo wine in China, surveillance chat, more foreigner land BS, Pekini ramp demise


Ankvab booted, Chiaberishvili beaten, Gharibashvili signs, Kremlin consequences, Misha with Petro, Gigi back, Kez innocent not so bro, 87 mayors, kids on tanks, FOI drop, independent investigation entity, GoG salaries up, fruit safe to Russia, Kars rail moves, plane bodies return, Geo expat site, schools still closed, Telavi airport, FixMyStreet in Kutaisi Zugdidi, and Batumi, domestic violence deaths, Sochi Georgian concert, Svaneti UNESCO, constitutional commission update, mountain draft, easier docs for Geo expats, old photos, Portuguese book, who owns Tbl water, Siko on education, Blauvelt on Bolsheviks on Migrelians, cross shaped container building for priests


New TBLPOD.com Database, torture death, constitution marriage BS, Skype Misha, no gas with ZZ death, Russians in SO, EC report, visa free start of 2016, IRI says everybody happy, TV 25 boss problems, Zviad b-day, Karumidze UK ambo Svan issue, Tuvalu de-recognizes, Porto consul, Mr. Ankara Elegant, Courts support Curse of Ham freak, Patriarch Batumi house gift swap, more broadcast board candidates, Misha will write, marriage for cows, new subway stop, Vilnius cheap, TBL airport nice, Belarus wine probs, wine site, Georgians snatching up London pads, Ucha wants to shoot prisoners, Tsulukiani report, law on ag buying fixed, Guerrilla Gardeners picnic, Applebaum, Brits on Tbilisi dagger behind Imeli, school report, trade opportunities, Akvarium


Misha questions, Tufts, ZZ death, Obama NATO, Tax goons hit TV Nielsen rating agency, Ag U, EU deal pronto, quick Obama Garibash chat, Okruashvili questions on Imedi, Applebaum on TV, MEP Schulz forgets Georgia, Burj & Christian Dems, Dom Kino fight, Koka on passports, early bride suicide, Gold deal, Cartu fund shuffle, TV $, giant BI Sololaki development, UN disaster, exporter protection, Wine #3, new Batumi RR station, subway safety, McD cheaper than Subway, Margvel and citizenship, wrong declarations, trust, nationalism, guerrilla guarders & splice!, Tuh-bli-si, dem rank, movies, London Bloom, Bauhaus


Vano corpse chat vid, car inspection, Eko-Georgia lead milk, 26 May 2011 demo trial, dual NSCs, BI’s NGO, BI citizenship, BI gift exhibition, EBRD Tbilisi meeting 2015, GoG funds other churches, PM to Russian mag, translator pressured over Lapankuri, Shamanidi minority post, Vano wants lie detector, Kezereshvili extradition, KUDI case, city budget mess continues, Ukrainian solidarity, Pirveli EU dis, NATO says good job, Shalva gets 43 lari from EU court, Misha at Tufts, Georgia friend killed in Kabul, new vehicle prototype, Kaladze opens Larsi dam, digital switch update, foreign trade up, Iraqi beating, Fly Georgia no salaries, gondola up to Mtatsminda, McDonalds building nomination, Parliament and GBP, prisoners rights, local gov, Tbilisi, I love you, TI on Interior Min spies on state bodies, volunteers.


Ugulava questioned, Vano threatened, Kakhi on new gas line, new governors, new crisis group, ex-ZZ body guard prosecuted, ZZ case will reopen, Vashadze slanders, Misha in NYC, Misha medal to Petraeus, NDI on Russia attitudes, EU programs & 27 Euros, Rasmussen thanks BI, Usupashvili annoyed with chatty MPs, Lari drops, 54 pardons from comission, Kakabadze wants miscarriage committee, Gali villages renamed, fancy Ajara car (Kakhi ticked), agenda.ge, Georgian crime ring in France and Denmark, Stalin in Georgia statue on hold, Chabua Amirejibi dies, parliament on Ukraine, AgeWatch on Georgia, Radarami on Stalin


Parliament donnybrook, Local Gov changes, Misha in Kiev, proc arrest for fake vid, thief in law murder nab, Internat Anti-Corruption day, Margvel ambos, Obama writes BI, Margvel on Mandiba, June local elections, Narmania tents, Papuashvili Venice Comish, Telavi tenders Stalin exit, Hanakkah whacks wrist slap, Kutaisi candy, RR numbers, Geo biz #50, investments up, architecture book, big shuki cut, new Norio dump, Khudoni damn protest, 5 mil MP housing, Cassels in Tbl, Sochi flights, budget, Antelava v de Waal, Georgian Jihadi, TI on UNM procurement, average tourist spend, Apollo photos


Will & Mathias! Margvelashvili! GeoCell honest about GoG spying, Misha speech, new PM name, Margvel’s chief of staff, Imerlishvili to be Giga, Gamzakhurdia to be in Exile Abkhaz gov, EU & Vilnius, Bacho, governors resign, KUDI fake IDs, boring Gharibashvili report, Russian Telecom, heat to ABL folk, Genady goes, Misha Akhalkalaki fight, traffic fines, youth palace weapons, Giorgadze will arrive, parliament & Kutaisi, Margvel’s partner, Doing Business again.


One Homo genus, Gennady gone?, pres debates, BI & Margvel on 50%, KUDI detentions, Depardieu in Tbilisi, Zhvania death investigation, more Lapankuri investigation, drunk soldiers, BI leaves 24 Nov, ministers doing great, press election restrictions lifted, 3.5 million voters, Targamadze sues BI for calling him a traitor, pardons, prison deaths, expensive UNM gov cars, church gas, fake Rossner email, Bokeria to leave, Dream for Burj?, Gunava off, new 2008 refugee food discovery, BI’s ex-wife talks, Misha’s library, Misha moves, new pension system, Khudoni dam problems, drunk priest in fancy car, wine production up, new plates, Batumi floods, slavery


Gogi Khutsishvili dies, Bacho tape, Misha still UNM chief, boycott Sochi, more barbed wire, Azeri presidential appointment, BI on Norland, new Bacho prosecutor, Lith MPs visit Vano in joint. BI meets with Muslims, Synod, CEC candidate numbers, Rosner’s numbers, GYLA, ISFED, Marvel and Mir, Burj’s program, Burj tax problems, Parliament builder arrested, Kutaisi mayor on vacation, more Kremlin wine BS via Genady, floods, GPB pressure, EU numbers, Georgia third friendliest,
Poti closed, Intercon in Ajara, Subway in Tbilisi, Cops Karate champs.


CRRC/NDI #’s: Jobs #1, more Osset barbed wire, Hammarberg report, Misha & Obama, Burj financial issues, Smirba got a plan, Lakayev extradition, lots of little presidents, Margvel program launch, Kbilashvili in Moscow, Vano MEP visit, Bacho on prosecutors, Bacho’s wife’s video, Sabanadze (34 million) Chkhitunidze, Melnikov extradtions, Levan Pirveli’s back! Immoral behavior & physiological needs, Kakabadze manifests metaphor, 1000 Lari Kakheti vouchers, Huter ag suit, Misha mayor, Sokhumi off plane, Lesotho Ambassador, floods in Mestia and Kakheti, Girvliani’s mom’s statue, Tamaz Tkemaladze wants TV show, Rachveli conductor quits, Export Development Agency, ISET say GeoStat numbers good, more sanitary inspectors, In Bloom award, Margvel on Stalin, Tourism guy on Azeris and Jews, Kutaisi-Vilnius, constitution, inventions, Zero tolerance schooling, old people %.


1% Law, In Riga BI says EU Pronto, CEC chair Zhvania, Salome still out, US State big guy meets Patriarch, 1st Channel director fired (again), RR boss Bakhtadze PM rumor, French choppers, Adeishvili with Orban, Kvitashvili leads Bakradze’s bid, crime rate up and half amnestied prisoners back in jail. ex MP arrested for drugs, Kutaisi mayor to spend time wit family, Russian diplomat shot in Sokhumi, UNM small change, City wastes Climate 1/2 mill Euro, customs point at Kazbegi, Kartveli Air Show, Kakheti Stalin statues, Misha up Kazbegi, archeology find in Old Tblisi, vetoes, Culture min takes back building permission, foreigners & ag land wrangles, Koba on cohabitation, Georgia happiness, Megrelian mummy, Marathon.


7 Georgian ISAF dead, BI takes Univ, muslims not allowed to pray, Kremlin says Georgia should change law, BI wants to hold onto compromats, Russian cash for recognition in Pacific, Judges election, Misha says no Tedo in UK, Batumi Mayor resigns, IDP houses, Dreamers miffed at Post, Kazakh’s back in gas, BI and Pablo, employment numbers, Russian language, Ed Min icon cards, Kutaisi trader tussles, anti-NATO rally in Batumi, Anti-Putin protesters arrested, BI re-designates off shore sites, traffic fines lowered, rent marshutkas, environment funds, Geo wine in Russia in two weeks, free Soviet posters, UN & NATO ambassadors


Monitor break in, Kakheti hail, NDI IRI Oxford polls, old woman dragged, party code of conduct, more dishes, Vano press rules, Prime Policy Group & Gephardt, Batumi Dream rally in burbs, WTO, Olympic stuff, Bakradze, Palitra UNM trolls, Ajara shirts, FDI rules, Osets nab journalist, Donetsk flights, ADB roads, IFC BoG lady cash, Bedwell on BI, Edwards on The Pill, Vano’s 9 speeches, flash pillows for Iare Pekhit, Dila shirt problem, Mama Daviti and the Hail Stones