
Partnership Fund buys chunk of Tbilisi for BI, Vashadze leaves Nationals, World Congress of Families get ready for Pilarmonia gig, Nat Bank buys more dollars, voter lists, IRI numbers, Otsneba and Margvel argue on court nominees, Nationals say biz folk forced to pay for Check in Georgia, Geo killed in Ukraine, ABL abduction, deserted villages, CoE rapporteurs, Hahn on visas, bike paths Mziuri, Geo OGP chair, start up funding, animals for Zoo, cop kills sheep fines shepherd, Tokyo Rope invests, workplace deaths, Nobel Partner, MoD stops food imports, no vote on Kosova UEFA, Khardziani arrests, sumo in Tbilisi, fencing win, EU culture cash, Gaprindashvili award, film directors everywhere, three new factories, bit more East West hwy, Geo wine in Paris, Emirates tourists, inflation drop, USAID IDP housing, Rustaveli in Korean, Kasakh flight, femicide draft, same sex marriage bs, Bloss at Frontline


BI wanted to arrest Kadagidze, new one year visa-free list, new Georgian in Odessa, no multi member constituencies, FDI down, lari up, US and China in the Anaklia port finals, jury mess, Chinese MP visit, Kremlin miffed at Geo EU friendship, Tamrkio to Montenegro, PM to Baku, ISAF death, NATO chief visit later maybe, Saudi prince visit, BitFury in Gldani, Mountain Minister, DefMin says they have giant device but can’t sell, Jutland and Racha, push up record, Batumi hotel, sailors hurt, Rustaveli airport, Kiev flights, KaZantip Gem Fest, profit tax changes, Spaniards at Dinamo, puppet award, Abkhaz archive, no quorum, pink haired kisser


Misha in Odessa, Tiniko at NATO HQ, Ilves in Tbilisi, Margvel says he’ll veto bank supervision bill, multi-member constituency (regional proportional) momentum, kist drive by, Tibilov Putin meet, Econ min for sale, BI buys Pirosmani, Golden Arches in Zugdidi, Svan dam, Anaklia port short list, Alphabet tower Batumi, Georgia-EU committee, legalize it demo, UN says IDPs can come back, Hep C drugs for Abkhaz Ossets, new dept on state property seizing, OGP meeting, Police day, children’s hospice, Dadiani castle, another shepherd abduction, old Abkhaz mass graves opened, Polish Svaneti airlift, rafts, hail-rocket. Karate judo medals, pharmacies fined for taping calls, Cairo and Kazakh flights, 2000 year old win cellar found in Tbilisi, Innsbruck opera, runway repair, America Days, inflation, parliament towing change, marriage age bill, armed group bill, Levan Berdzenishvili committee, media: khingali, red-intelegencia, Russian visitor numbers up


Proc Gen from Parl, VazagashGate grenade arrest, Margvel Supreme Court short list, Def Min resignation, PM and VP Munich chat, PM with Orban, construction bribe, Geo e-visas, certain forces chatter, Margvel parl speech, Bundestag pres visit, Russian NATO goon Grushko ticked, Sida Goga Gigauri stuff, Otsneba looses majority in Ajara assembly, illegal Vake Park hotel construction still halted, Kutaisi cop wife driver issue, Bulgaria visa simplification, Prison 17 chief arrested, Khobe direct sale for laurel trees to Tamazishvilis, frank Alasania interview, ISAF honors, Abkhaz graves, Poland ratifies, Poti fishermen angry, Gmaps changes to Sokhumi, Geo movies, Misha on Ukrainian army beating Russia, TBC snow machines, Astana, Swede Geo Chamber of Commerce, ADB west water fixing, 20 Geo start ups get Estonian help, Lelos smash Germany, lots of Georgian books, ad law targets R2, zebra crossing in Tbilisi


Sandro Kiev Health Min, Nato center yes, Lari fall, Mokhe Mosque, Ucha on Lapankuri, BI show Feb+, Int Min to Yerevan, Margvel to Poland, Maidan Kiev Georgians awards, Railways strike ok, Grozny shootings, Macau investor casino in Tbilisi, Abkhaz ticked at EU visa deal, Wrestling goon gone, Moscow flights cut, FreeZone bonus inflation demo, prison reception, Nana top chess player, Tbilisi Guangzhou deal, EU Military visit, BoG and KfW hydro deal, 2016 EU enviro chat Tbl, Georgian soldiers to Wales, body chat with Abkhaz, Swedes declare clean spots, Bosch warehouse, wire tap law veto override, matsoni law, what do the Abkhaz want, Khauri (not) on Nat Bank, Dagestan highway, HIV, Amnesty event


Vano corpse chat vid, car inspection, Eko-Georgia lead milk, 26 May 2011 demo trial, dual NSCs, BI’s NGO, BI citizenship, BI gift exhibition, EBRD Tbilisi meeting 2015, GoG funds other churches, PM to Russian mag, translator pressured over Lapankuri, Shamanidi minority post, Vano wants lie detector, Kezereshvili extradition, KUDI case, city budget mess continues, Ukrainian solidarity, Pirveli EU dis, NATO says good job, Shalva gets 43 lari from EU court, Misha at Tufts, Georgia friend killed in Kabul, new vehicle prototype, Kaladze opens Larsi dam, digital switch update, foreign trade up, Iraqi beating, Fly Georgia no salaries, gondola up to Mtatsminda, McDonalds building nomination, Parliament and GBP, prisoners rights, local gov, Tbilisi, I love you, TI on Interior Min spies on state bodies, volunteers.


One Homo genus, Gennady gone?, pres debates, BI & Margvel on 50%, KUDI detentions, Depardieu in Tbilisi, Zhvania death investigation, more Lapankuri investigation, drunk soldiers, BI leaves 24 Nov, ministers doing great, press election restrictions lifted, 3.5 million voters, Targamadze sues BI for calling him a traitor, pardons, prison deaths, expensive UNM gov cars, church gas, fake Rossner email, Bokeria to leave, Dream for Burj?, Gunava off, new 2008 refugee food discovery, BI’s ex-wife talks, Misha’s library, Misha moves, new pension system, Khudoni dam problems, drunk priest in fancy car, wine production up, new plates, Batumi floods, slavery


The Fence, changes coming on ex-pat residency, Homophobe singer outed Paris show canceled, MEP visit, NATO guy visit, BI on NSC, Khaduri brothers at fence, priests say Jesus organized homophobes, MEP visits Vano in jail, BI says Burjanadze may be prosecuted, Misha spent state $ on Botox, UNM pres in ten days, violent prison death, judges election, compromat archives to be destroyed or not, dep Fin Min resigns, black boxes still there, Chechens on Lapankuri, Batumi Nigerian attack, French Georgian mob sweep, garbage fee, students and Margvel on summer jobs, Ag loans, wine clarity, Rikoti trees cut, diaspora study, flights, IMF debt, growth, Top Girl Porn, Kakhi game, foreigner ag land sale moratorium, Call of Taburetka off Facebook


Special interview with the Defense Minister of Georgia Irakli Alasania, talking conscription, 2008, Lapankuri, NATO, Germany, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Abkhazia and much much more.


Our 18 April surprise guest! Minister questions, Data v. Vano, new NDI #s, no army parade, Ajara MP beatings firings, prison guards arrested, prison hunger strike, prison cameras, Coms Comish Chair Chikovani Concession, Misha receipts, Kutaisi Mayor impeached, Tbl Sakrebulo UNM defection, Broadcaster firing suit, Topadze anti-free trade, big farm tax break, more on non res deposits, Love Day, Deda Ena day, labor code, Saak Ibn-Ashvili on Russian TV, marriage age, KargiGogo and Dusseldorf flesh pots!