
Def Min sting, Deputy Min Homophobic meat head, more Mokhe, Khajimba says chill on “integration”, UNM rally planned, Misha R2 interview, EU Geo Visa process ok, NDC meets with PM, violence against women discussion, Republicans want process, Iranian MPs visit, Zug Interior blast, WB doing biz number, Aeroflot back, Gharibashvili to Abkhaz and Ossets, French Def Min tnx for Congo troops, Russians hack GoG sites says NYT, more Alaval Dasavali beating stuff, US Embassy fixes church, brother booted from marshutka, Arveladze with Timoshenko, new UAE flights, parliament wants to keep Interior crawling around telecom servers.


1% Law, In Riga BI says EU Pronto, CEC chair Zhvania, Salome still out, US State big guy meets Patriarch, 1st Channel director fired (again), RR boss Bakhtadze PM rumor, French choppers, Adeishvili with Orban, Kvitashvili leads Bakradze’s bid, crime rate up and half amnestied prisoners back in jail. ex MP arrested for drugs, Kutaisi mayor to spend time wit family, Russian diplomat shot in Sokhumi, UNM small change, City wastes Climate 1/2 mill Euro, customs point at Kazbegi, Kartveli Air Show, Kakheti Stalin statues, Misha up Kazbegi, archeology find in Old Tblisi, vetoes, Culture min takes back building permission, foreigners & ag land wrangles, Koba on cohabitation, Georgia happiness, Megrelian mummy, Marathon.


Ag Mess, sex selective abortion, presidential candidates, Lab 1918, sex tape intrigues, Russian gas, FBI guy in TBL, Margvel on labor code, more Koba, Mogeladze resigns, hist buildings under Culture Min not City of Tbl, Iliauni takeover bill, prisoner #s, new public press service head says Dato and Eka stay, Geo up to 96 in press freedom, 94th in being a mom, Tbilisians on line #s, Magti 30 min cut, China Radio, new Ambassadors, Turtle Lake gif, $ dissatisfaction, Abkhaz funk


BI at PACE, NDI/CRRC numbers, 152 mil in gifts, Misha slathers GoG $, 10k “renewed” UNM supporters, BI v Koba Davitashvili, Barnovi Mishas Chief of Staff, Liberali weed arrest, legalize it rally Sun, non Satanic ID video, Gigi wife DWI, text books, measles shots, Brussels & Barcelona flights, vetoes on courts, juries, new stupid ag bill, Old/New Tbilisi website, Dima’s page, new Azeri TV, mil spend, cool Geo Sundance doc in Tbl, free park concert list


Our 18 April surprise guest! Minister questions, Data v. Vano, new NDI #s, no army parade, Ajara MP beatings firings, prison guards arrested, prison hunger strike, prison cameras, Coms Comish Chair Chikovani Concession, Misha receipts, Kutaisi Mayor impeached, Tbl Sakrebulo UNM defection, Broadcaster firing suit, Topadze anti-free trade, big farm tax break, more on non res deposits, Love Day, Deda Ena day, labor code, Saak Ibn-Ashvili on Russian TV, marriage age, KargiGogo and Dusseldorf flesh pots!


Tata tea, BI to Mish: back off, Misha on Kremlin & banks then sorry, Gigi & courts, ex Sport Min gun accident, Mish drives to fly, Misha TV interview, Vano Tbl dep mayor, three judges to go, prosecutors chat with Burj, Tsulukiani Vashadze and passports, Tsulukiani in DC, Usupashvili to Misha: chill, no text from Strasbourg, Sanaia reopened, Ortachala prison closes, Narmania local gov reform, DCFTA dates, EU cash up US down with EPI ending, Shalva’ll run! No PM palace, Didube fire, Rugby win, trash dump problem, more constitutional changes, Koba gambling ban bill, work and imagination stats, Lincoln & Argo


CIS & Shalva back, Davos (whatever), UNM MPs ticked at Ilia, Kezerashvili, Chocheli, rev eating its own (Emiridze), new pardon comish, aggressive Armenian sprung, prison cameras, Tsulukiani annoyed at judges, BI & Obiektivi lady up for Nobel, PACE chatter, Khaburdzania does his job, wrestlers tussling, Gerogian made materiel, Ag fund, UNM leave constitutional talks, ex-con rehab, ambos, marshutka drivers (e plus ça change…), Badri bride Borjomi bail, Abkhaz russian in Syria shot, school busses, teachers get cash, Sturua drama, dacha thefts, confidence down, BA goes, Shengelaia award


Amnesty releases, gay videos, ag plot privatization suspended, Okruashvili out, UNM governors, constitutional amendments, Misha & BI with Ilia, Jazz kid bullied, ex-tax bosses and Cartu, Kaladze & Kakheti shuki, Bedukadze off interpol list, Edik says Misha’s trouble, Vano charges budget mess, MPs Karabakh & Panjikidze, Rezo Amashukeli’s genius, Mestia notary, new Ag loans, Chinese compound at Tbilisi Sea, Russia Georgia trucks, Georgian Water & Power yelled at, Ajara TV, Misha’s reserve Fund & Centre Point, poetry translated, gambling advertising, work first


Givi Zaldastanishvili b day, Nazis, text book kick backs, new top prosecutor, Rus rep, Interior Dep Mins, students ticked, more vacations, ZZ death, Anaklia land, IDP dispute, New Ag Min talks cooperation, 3 mo Burj hiatus, Def Min 68 mil short, Just Min says Adeish good lawyer, no more taps, Constitutional Court GYLA Judgement (finally), SOCAR controls taps, Sosar ditches Mishas photo, sports shake up, Cartu guy in Ajara, Antelava Lukashenko & Chveni Will, Indians & Land, Borjomi strike over, Nigvziani Lebanon, Gulashvili out, cheap trash, Kodori family back, Def min council of elders, Patriarch & Gurchiani, Kokoity Fandarast guys, wombs, Justice servers, Soviet museum, calls from the joint, Kimeridze reopened, Grechikha’s son, Dutch Israeli dispute near baths, heavy metals in food, finger to Gorozia.


Who bolted, New Ministers, Committee Chairs (names, names, names), New Gigi Cops, artful taxonomizing, Municipal funds to strip club, unemployment benefits?, BI: “biz probs? Go to court”, Gagra, Geneva talks, EU IDP cash, Zaza Burchuladze jumped, Akobia out, marine chat, salary stats, Coca Cola Chkonia will do Abkhazia deal, Batumi Istanbul flights.