
RIP Bendukidze, Beruchashvili now FM, Garibashvili Alasania spar, BI interview gems, Otsneba lobbying in DC, Pankisi fight, tranny killed, new Vano Misha charges, al Shishani killed? Margvel to Parl re EW, Narmania starts plating seeds. EBRD Dariali dam, angry priests, Abkhaz water to Sokhumi.


RIP Bendukidze, Beruchashvili now FM, Garibashvili Alasania spar, BI interview gems, Otsneba lobbying in DC, Pankisi fight, tranny killed, new Vano Misha charges, al Shishani killed? Margvel to Parl re EW, Narmania starts plating seeds. EBRD Dariali dam, angry priests, Abkhaz water to Sokhumi,


Def Min Sting! Alasania out! Free Dems out! NATO/EU direction? Banks can’t own biz, doc classification, Estonia ratifies Geo EU deal, Chechens dissed, Abkhaz say no thanks, young Lelos win, MFA: Donbas vote BS, PACE says Rus Abkhaz deal bad, 100 Geos fight with Kiev, Azeris give Geo church free gas, Turk speaker visits, monitoring radioactive aerosols (!?), PM’s Chugo replacement, more Corn Island gold, wild west weather, Sinai flights, surveillance law back to parl, single parents in law, Azrebi on aggression, mirror mirror


Def Min sting, Deputy Min Homophobic meat head, more Mokhe, Khajimba says chill on “integration”, UNM rally planned, Misha R2 interview, EU Geo Visa process ok, NDC meets with PM, violence against women discussion, Republicans want process, Iranian MPs visit, Zug Interior blast, WB doing biz number, Aeroflot back, Gharibashvili to Abkhaz and Ossets, French Def Min tnx for Congo troops, Russians hack GoG sites says NYT, more Alaval Dasavali beating stuff, US Embassy fixes church, brother booted from marshutka, Arveladze with Timoshenko, new UAE flights, parliament wants to keep Interior crawling around telecom servers.


Russian Abkhazia annexation angst, Bacho & Vano sentenced, TSU prof murder suicide, more Muslim Christian village strife, NATO chief in town, Pankisi IS commander chatter, Usupashvili’s latter was ad, Azeri freedom of speech demos in Tbilisi, anti UNM demos, Jewish museum reopens, new EU ambo set up, Lith FM in town, students against gas station, Margvel in Japan, Turkish days, The President movie gets award, floods, Ukraine support rallies, Supreme Court appointments supported, violence against women, ego plates, Capa in Kutaisi


Russia moves to formalize Abkhazia’s colonial status under Khajimba, kidnapping GD UNM sparring, seventh IS Kist killed, residence mess for Armenians, Armenia joins Eurasia Economic Union, weapon cache, new Dagestan highway, Izoria talks destabilization, Paravani dam opens, Usupashvili in NYT on BI great Misha not, Justice Min excited Supreme Court head bolts in five months, new prison dep min, two nut pickers detained in Gali, US Ship in Batumi, Osset soccer match in Gori, Kazbegi trash airlift, Google Maps finishes Georgia in 2015, Kakheti highway better, Chinese scholarships, Olympic Committee visits, Wekua show in London, Petriashvili to Warsaw for NATO, Elisso Bolkvadze UNESCO Artist for Peace, Telavi Music Festival, NYT likes Botso doc, new NSC stuff, schools make kids Soviet and hate Muslims, drunk cop, Kutaisi bonuses, Peter F. Skinner book.


Free Fight on Pekini, fewer Abkhaz crossings, Jankarashvili runs Dream Party, PM notes residence permit probs, BI show plan is back, budget, Mogherini comments, Petriashvili in Brussels, Proc says Erosi not murdered, Geo couple detained in S.O., Russia leaves FLEX, spots to Neighborhood, Geo Lith Nato exercises, Zhvania guards tried, Margvel pardons, UNM council members not allowed in meeting, OSCE parl will meet in Batumi in 2016, GoG learn Geo site, Russia doesn’t want rebel training in Geo, Margvel Forbes interview, Margvel DC trip, Jehovahs Strasbourg win, illegal migrant facility opens, theater director Chkheidze back, Tangerines movie gets another award, new ambulances, Tkibuli earthquake, Iveri LGBT concert delay, vets kids get free MAs, Surami IDPs, 37th mass baptism, kickboxing win, Botti concert, Georgian film in Pusan, pensions


More Pres v PM BS, BI in Kviris Palitra, NYT says arm Geo, Giga in DC, Batumi Dumbadze booted, KaZantip 2015 church wants water monopoly there, Narmania pays for kids, market fire, NATO Breedlove says Geo good, PM in UAE, GoG says Crimea elections BS, Moscow flights back, Germans mugged in Svaneti, Students protest re TSU ed, new public info site, SO military exercises, Alasania’s son joins army, Svaneti ski development, no Azeri media on NATI exercises, GYLA wins free foreign kids case, prisoners deaths, Vatican chat, methanol by rail now, Swiss watch Geo docs, juries delayed again, language nationalism bill prepared, door welded on sick kids home, Lomsadze on the seduction of talking about coups, Leonard Lopate chef chat, asylum numbers. Girls that code, Kargi Gogo


Cops stop & frisk, PM Pres playpen bout continues, Patriarchy has bug bucks, Navarro letter, NATO in Wales, Hagel visit, EU Füle replaced by Austrian Hahn, Chikaidze disses Misha in Alia, Ajara GD Intifada, new weapon law, anti-Muslim Kobuletians nail pig head, Margvel married, Baku IREX raid, Russian & Armo Armies pretend to invade Turkey. PM to Baku, English speakers in Mushroom, crime map plan, GoG 20 mill VC plan, CENN off Khudoni enviro assessment, China biz trip, Art students still ticked, GoG interns, Ukraine medical aid, big five star Batumi hotel in a long time, poetry translation, Winters Tale in Brest, G&T is back, better young bride protection in the works, The Trio Mandili, FDI drop, Riga exhibition


Misha in Sarpi, NATO in Wales, more NDI #’s, visas, meds, Mestia cop brawl, DCFTA in force, Margvel in UK, EBRD, top Marine visit, Azeri guards fired, Georgia competitive rank increase, more Bakradze HSBS bs, Dariali opens, Ukrainian kids to Georgia, ex-GYLA Chugo gives out HR Tulips, pro Ukraine demo, no passport for Kitovani, Bacho book, new army MP chief, Nikosi film festival, Mufti says no Shia/Sunni issues, bridge painters fined, Czech research, IS says will attach Chechnya, Tedo in Iran, Kiev flights, army death, wine in Austria, Geo Estonian movie Oscar nomination, Frankfurt book fair, KaZantip wrap up, artificial snow, Tusheti Red Dear spotted, parl committees meet in Tbilisi now, fat photos, Slade book, Sunlight & TI on campaign cash


More Misha money drama, Margval Commander in Chief change maybe, Abkhaz elections, Margvel PM tiff re docs, prescriptions, Kakha Targamadze passport, Bakradze bank declaration, CEC Chair says no prob to bishop, new base in Akhalkalaki, Geo Az and Turk Def Min chat, NATO summit, Def Min PR stunt with church, Yazidis show up, PM in Armenia, Dariali landslide, MEPs call for ratifying EU deal, Ugulava b-day party, Bulgarians nab PINs & get nabbed, KaZAntip fun, IDP gas stunt, Poles find Romans in Gonio, Georgians in Edinburgh Fringe, Tsavkisi fire, ambulances a mess, Imedi journalist chat re 2010 fake attack report, US war ship in Batumi, San Diego State opens via MCC, Georgians and salt, wrestlers, ID charge boost, residence card mess, Mary’s skirt, Batumi mosque, IMF, gold, road safety.


Misha charged, shuki mess, Gvaramia off, KUDI guy off, Kaladze & Cauk Online, Baramidze: ban Russian media, Batumi mosque, kaZantip protests, tourism guy fired, Israel support, school books, peaches to Russia, Russian cancels trade deal, 4.6 mil pop, Gldani Gulf fire, Vani floods, Geo Turk soccer clash, singer Buzaladze win, EBRD dumps Russia, McFaul shows up, Chikaidze and that Taliban person, Beselia Chiora fight, illegal abortion punishment, lame bonus reform, be weak, young Misha running


Cabinet Shuffle, ErosiGate, Mayors 2 Aug, Abkhaz abroad vote, Bacho bro in law, Three Internat prosecutors show up, Kurdi gang visit, pensions won’t go up, bus driver dead, Armenian church donnybrook, priest against KazanTip, wine museum, rare vine project, new air traffic control, Russia to punish Georgia for DCFTA, lots of card carriers, 2K old palace in Kareli, Afgan rotation, Homophobe singer repents, English speaking cab drivers, Georigan kids rack up Informatics award, River Island leaves, Margvel shows up for ratification, Sabina Chantouria in Vake Sat.


#ErosiGate, Elections over, Shevy funeral, Strasbourg on anti-theif-in-law law, Procs question Mishas guards, first TBL sak session, Eshba fails Abkhaz exam, 2.8 tons of smack, Chikaidze rumor, Kaladze on R2, prisoners and guards via GYLA, Ergneti to reopen, brother harassed, Abkhaz body swap, fruit to Russia, neo-Lazika, GDS butt drum scandal, new Aspindza dig, Mestia flights, Tusheti chacha khanzi, Mercer says Tbilisi cheap, Corn Island award, DF Watch backs Iakob, pre trial detention to go from 90 to 15 days, exorcism in Kutaisi, Goltz on Shevy, residence visa info


Shevy dies, Gigi jailed, Bishop Bishop Jakob BS, Mayor debate, BI TV show, foreigners ag land, Strasbourg rules for Georgia, Romania ratifies, second round, Rustavi race, Kakha Targamadze spouts off, drunk Poti Otsneba candidate stabs guy, Koridze on pardon comish, new UK Ambo, Dane aid boost, food safety, new lari symbol, Pirosmani grave, police car jack, 26 million bottles export, Natakhtari to Mestia flights, Georgia is safe, visitor drop, disabled tourists, new sports channel, Abkhaz pitch Suarez, Melua tax issues, Burtaoba, Penguins


EU Ass Ag! UNM Baku Airport drama, Pataraia with Margvel, revotes, Narmania’s mom peeks, no MAP yet, Russia relations, Ossets want Union, Ossets rec Lugansk, TI wins foreign ag land case, bonus limits, illegal Dream cash, peace index, trafficking problems re labor inspector, new military strategy, new coast guard base, UNM guys beat up, Australia dumps homophobic soprano, new Ambo from Armo, Frontera says big gas find, construction fraud arrest, prescriptions for antibiotics, new Kiev flights, Russian Orth music, new EU Alumni chair, parking, La Blond on fake demo, Onnik on peace.


Will’s back! Elections, Khajimba, Machavariani, Barroso fleeced, new German, drunk Interior video, Polish asylum offer to Vano, Freedom House, Rikoti landslide, Larsi reopened, president award shift plot, Georgians in Mosul, Kazakh’s split, shady Russian investors, Japanese medical equipment, Navarro Orthodoxizes, priest insults Armenian kid, Arabs kicked out of pool, worker deaths, Archeologist drug, new Kakheti mud resort, Tusheti land tenure, wine numbers, parliament out, Dato and the watermelon, more KazanTip, TBL turnout number.


Merkel MAP veto, Kremlin retires Ankvab, Obama billion for neighborhood Nato, opposition pressure, pictures on voter lists, Gardebani donnybrook, Gharibashvili says bad stuff in Guria, Swiss pres and Margvel re OSCE, Dariali & Roki work, more Sakdrisi drama, PM get goons for life, Misha spent more than Margvel, Police Day, job site fail, Beka is not a criminal re weed legalization, Evangelical’s prevented from meeting, Russians juice law, cigs and hooch up, schools back, prisoner release, Anaklia techno disagreement, food center Akhaltsikhe, gov listening to calls still, Misha on Poroshenko, TI on Co-investment fund, Glucksman, higher ed numbers, language exchange


Monitor break in, Kakheti hail, NDI IRI Oxford polls, old woman dragged, party code of conduct, more dishes, Vano press rules, Prime Policy Group & Gephardt, Batumi Dream rally in burbs, WTO, Olympic stuff, Bakradze, Palitra UNM trolls, Ajara shirts, FDI rules, Osets nab journalist, Donetsk flights, ADB roads, IFC BoG lady cash, Bedwell on BI, Edwards on The Pill, Vano’s 9 speeches, flash pillows for Iare Pekhit, Dila shirt problem, Mama Daviti and the Hail Stones


TBLPOD iTunes is back! Deputy Ministers move around, another Dream fine, Vano interview, CRRC/NDI survey, EU Fule and OSCE Sec Gen in town, McCain on Russia, Bass bolts, Landsbergis worries, BI on budget, BI will meet Salome Zurabishvili, Kvemo Kartli Dream MPs, UNM TV9 stalkers, TI hospital report, 3000 new “employment agents”, $9.5 mil Chinese ag money, 400 mil GoG has to pay back in 2012, Ajara cops and virgin, new ID cards, homophobe Bishop, GoG pays for Zugdidi Vlakernoba, chemitbilisi.com petition site, UNM lists from state employees, Oset Chitayev dead.