
Chikaidze bolts, PM in Davos, Lith PM visit, Usupashvili in Iran, NATO Vershbow in town, Tamriko in US, Lari still sliding, long BI interview he “researches” NGO leaders, Russia duma oks Abkhaz treaty, Margvel Supreme Court consultations, EU delegation talks visa free, Lifers in Guldani 8 are ticked, shortlist for deep Anaklia port, investigation for harassing prisoner “L”, Kvitsiani, EU cash, UEFA U19, Ireland okays Geo EU Association Agreement, e-visas coming, coke arrest, Corn Island wins Trieste, Henkel plant in Garadabani, smart lights, Alain Delon visit, NYT rec Pheasant’s Tears, Interior bill to limit freedom of speech, foreigners and farm land, Rimple great, Soros NYT great, Chiatora cable cars, ugly/great Tbilisi Buildings, econ freedom high reg freedom not, Rayfield on Niko Marr in London


Exploding plant, Kist protest, EU brass Hahn visit, Geo soldier falls at Donetsk Airport, Arminia family murder by Russian soldier, OSCE parl visit, Oscar talk, Geo joins EU Ukraine Advisory Mission, NATO sec gen to visit in Feb, Garibashvili in Davos, new Supreme Court leader chat, Zguladze on Ukraine traffic police reform, Interior brass to Spain, (non) univ tower in Batumi to be sold, lost shepherd in Ergneti froze, 2:1 lari/$, EBRD SMEs, Enguri talks, Daesh whacko from Batumi, Armenian churches, priest who helped ferry passengers honored, Epiphany, prosecutors thank US, Koguasvhili Blind Date movie in Brussels, Zezva and Mzia in Israel, Japanese Telavi disabilities place, Sao Paulo Georigan film festival, Margvel: 2015 Year of Women, youth offenders change, bus tickets waved, Elbakidze collapses, Saturday Panorama protest 3pm Freedom Square


Getsadze and Ebanoidze appointed in Ukraine, Identoba threatened, Estonian PM says EU visa free in the bag, NDI Armenia closes, NATO talks in Brussels (Va!), Margvel appoints GYLA guy, more inclusion hopes for Supreme Court chair candidates, new lower Lari level, PM disses Pres on Parl speech, Mish sounds off on Geo Daesh guys, BI guest not host on show, Panorama plows ahead illegal and permit-less, Generation v Zone, 6K old Beri Kldeebi site permit-less builders, 5 killed in Gali, Geo taken from garden by Ossetians, ProCredit sells small loans, everybody Je Suis Charlie, Chikaidze says domestic violence is bad, big parking garage planned, Krtsanisi village protest, IFC cash to bottle plant, US ticked at Putin fan conductor Gergiev and singer Netrebko, embassy in Riyadh, textile plant, gov building inventory, Cartu talks new technical Univ, Rixos hotel in Likani, Jerusalem/Sokhumi/Santa, Kabanadze in Bagram with Breedlove, Japanese & Elkana, Dunkin Donuts, litter 120 lari fine, foreign fighter law


PM sets up parallel MFA, Ilia says no jobs so men beat wives, PM to Latvia, EU Neighborhood Hahn to Tbilisi 15-17th, Janelidze to Afghanistan, more Zhvania investigations, intelegencia KGB says KGB guy, Bakhmaro avalanche, missing Georgian in South Ossetia found dead, NBG Kadagidze gets award, Georgia shrinking & aging, female Georgian chess players dominate, plastic bags, underage internet gaming to be regulated, Togonidze on friendships with handicapped on Azrebi, Eka Bseselia’s white boots, Rostneft in Poti, Gogava on Ukraine, Jones on Bendukidze, visitors, Geo movies in DC.


Parliament Donnybrook, Rosneft buys Poti, another Georgian dies in Syria, Guerrilla Gardeners arrested over Panorama demo, Misha on Interpol red notice, Def Min hostages still no bail, Tsulukiani calls on Supreme Court chair replacement chat, priest dies in Italian ferry fire, Sputnik off, Monte Carlo fined, Margvel ok with Putin chat, PM and Margvel addresses, Gldani prison beating, Geo anti-US says BS NGO, Kadyrov train to Geo, pardons, Baku Kars train, Foreigners reg on line not Mushroom, plastic bags may go, IDP dad visit detained, Judo guy gets prize, Sakdrisi halt, CEC appointment, Georgian film brand, Ilia 37 year seat.