
EU Parl Committee approves visa lib, OSCE Parl Asemb in Tbl, Austrian gets chair not Gigi, Chatayev Istanbul bomb mastermind Georgia connections, Kerry visit, Gegeshidze recalled, Ajara pres rep steps down, Svaneti dam protests, Sokhumi protests Interior Min resigns, EU As Ag in effect, Free Dems will give out money if they win, no new Russia Armenia road, CEC rejects one marriage referendum, Ossets say some guy is a spy, Tbililov talks fences, Papuna gets medal, soccer safety convention, mom murders family, bypass is via Natakhtari, flights diverted, Hualing buys Bank Republic, tourists up, German China railroad link, flights up, Saudis get Sairme water, IFC says no corruption, IDP houses, Dunn talks IDP support problems, Urushadze new movie, Bollywood Machine, digitizing movies finally, Kakabaze painting, Pachulia to the Bay, old prisoner amnesty, ugly Batumi buildings in NYT, ten thousand bottles of wine a day to China


GoG seizes Rustavi 2 holding company, PM/Pres NY trips, lisence to drive badly, CoE Parliament says GoG abuses prison politically, Margvel says no political pardons, lari up a bit, Duisi gets female chief, Kaladze Gazprom chat, Burjanadze in Russia (again), flood victim identified, Gori and the Stalin statue, German loans, neutrality demo, Rustavi soldier funeral, SO ABL kidnapping, father discrimination, new Batumi 5 star hotel, Leuville to Georgia, honey tests, 60 air quality test gizmos, GoG to take over from Gates, Polish grant, Stalingrad repatriation, silver coin, Vasco da Gama soprano in Berlin, Water Polo, Japan kindergarten Sachkhere, Ralph Fiennes show up, Kancheli birthday, prosecutor law, no jail for weed law, no conscription law, and as always constitutional standstill, hate crime punished, Misha and Odessa


Air defense, cop shot, Pankisi kids to ISIS, NGOs mad Gov is listening, Romania def min, Danish, Polish Swedish FMs to visit, Gharibashvili wants Sakdrisi gold mine working, EU ratifications, Turk, Az, Geo Def Mins meet, ODIHR shows up, ANP to NATO, Chinese factories in Kutaisi, ex US Embassy Orbeliani palace not sold by gov, bad sit for transgender in Geo, totaled German car import, Marneuli fight, Swiss landslide warning machine, Turkish lira counterfeit arrest, Russian cell company in Abkhazia and South Ossetia now in Georgia, Nigerians students die of gas poisoning, EU health deal signed, Ajara $, Margvel gives health min a medal, Japanese woman like Geo wine, US Coast Guard memorial, Geguti getting fixed up, new power line to Armenia, Google Maps expanding, docs on mountains get support, remains of Geo war dead from 2008, biodegradable bags, Kutaisi to Istanbul 30 Euro, tiny streets named for women, oxygen leak in Imereti, solidarity fund, PM has son, Corn Island prize, AIESEC forum, new parliamentary committee chairs, the Patriarch ok’s caviar.


New Russian passport rules, Data wants Greek asylum, CEC says no Okruashvili in Gori, 3.5 mil voters, TV crew sprung, 2008 Geo prisoners in Russia sprung, Misha presidential library, new Zugdidi train, 69 pardons, gold mine halt, Abkhazia Google Voice, Georgian heroes in Netherlands, harassment in schools, entrepreneurship in curriculum, Ilia: worry about sin, Genocide monument, Georgian Cannes movie, ten things to know about new residency law, broadcaster board increase, anti-discrimination bill, NYT says Teft to Russia, Lomsadze on Khaduri’s famous meal, religion in public schools, new Georgian restaurant in London review, wandering books, Schengen rejection rate, Cambridge, Atlanta events.


Sochi, prison hunger strike, BI Vano comments, Burj on spring 2008, Bacho’s wife on threats, budget fail, dep culture min exit over mine, Shevy bent cop Saso Alavidze now chief water goon, US reps push for MAP, Iran Embassy says banks will defreeze, religion agency under Reconciliation min, BI doesn’t toast Ilia, gay men give blood, PM on UNM media, Margvel at Tserovani, Subari at Khudoni re hydro, Gori wind power, car inspection will be 48 Lari, a thousand plus aborted girls, fake meat inspection arrests, EU towel warning, electronic signatures, school age from 5 to 6, TLG only teachers, no India pre-visa, bazroba fire, wine museum, Orbeliani palace for PM, Populi Gegenava snafu, university 96th, Church claims Agmashenebeli, judo gold, ambo power to min from pres, Ninia on hatred, seat belts video, Vake park hotel, beer index, new Charkviani book, Misha op-ed on Putin, media freedom, WiP venue switch, Rejeb boats