
Riga downer, EBRD goodies, Kvirik to Iran, Austrian pres in town, Usup to NATO parl assemb, 9% budget cut, Dhabi Group talk about spending money again but don’t fix Emeli walkway, MPs in China, PM with Armo PM, Tiniko appoints 3/5 deputies, Tsulukiani finds toxins on roof, water price can’t go up, shuki maybe, 17 May tolerance events, Khrulev of 58th army now runs Abkhazia’s army, Nobel Partner still going, new Pankisi volunteer death in Syria, Russians detain guy and get bribes, Kvirik may be brought into Russia talks, Hilton Batumi opens, Poti strike over, Alazani floods, Eruvision update, Tbilisi legalize weed demo 2 June, highway strike, kids film festival, steep Pirosmani, blind judoist, no parl quorum, lari up a bit, big NYC Geo bash 4 June


Tiniko DefMin, NDI numbers, EBRD, cabinet shuffle, Pillsbury for GoG, Armos and Ossets in Karabakh, EU charm trips, CoE wants into ABL, US materiel, Interior reforms, Moldova Ukraine Geo parl chat shop, Poti strike, inflation, Gali kid death for not paying bribe, Rezo Chkheidze died, Chiatura demos, US puts 5 million on Batirashvili of ISIS, consulate in West Jerusalem, wine to China, Kharagauli football game fixing, fuel hike, importing Russian sheep, Tbilisi Dev Fund boss fired, run, rare mammal spottings, top young pianists, Unfriended horror grosses, Italian doc on skiing, Bush painted over, immigration law getting fixed, parliament article, 3.7 mil pop, pre-Riga EU visa free issues, Kordzaia to Reps, Proc appointed by parliament soon, Tsul says, Interior and Security to be resplit, Chinese ag min in town, European Court of Human Rights says Gov caused problems in pro-tolerance march 17 May 2015, TBC gets awards, RMG gold probs, Lailash bible mess, Russian bikers, Guria governor, army convictions for mistreating conscripts, Donetsk recognizes SO and Abkh, SOCAR illegal trip for DC brass, Kobuleti fires and others, Kaladze on energy prices, Moscow Georgian and his million $ diet bracelet, Dominos, Sundance, pork


Tiniko DefMin, NDI numbers, EBRD, cabinet shuffle, Pillsbury for GoG, Armos and Ossets in Karabakh, EU charm trips, CoE wants into ABL, US materiel, Interior reforms, Moldova Ukraine Geo parl chat shop, Poti strike, inflation, Gali kid death for not paying bribe, Rezo Chkheidze died, Chiatura demos, US puts 5 million on Batirashvili of ISIS, consulate in West Jerusalem, wine to China, Kharagauli football game fixing, fuel hike, importing Russian sheep, Tbilisi Dev Fund boss fired, run, rare mammal spottings, top young pianists, Unfriended horror grosses, Italian doc on skiing, Bush painted over, immigration law getting fixed, parliament article, 3.7 mil pop, pre-Riga EU visa free issues, Kordzaia to Reps, Proc appointed by parliament soon, Tsul says, Interior and Security to be resplit, Chinese ag min in town, European Court of Human Rights says Gov caused problems in pro-tolerance march 17 May 2015, TBC gets awards, RMG gold probs, Lailash bible mess, Russian bikers, Guria governor, army convictions for mistreating conscripts, Donetsk recognizes SO and Abkh, SOCAR illegal trip for DC brass, Kobuleti fires and others, Kaladze on energy prices, Moscow Georgian and his million $ diet bracelet, Dominos, Sundance, pork


Ministers resign, Nat Bank blows 40 mil, BI on 2030 dises Gigauri, FM to UN, Terjola mess with Jehovas, free Hep C drugs, Farkas & Exercises, Gizo Ugulava to Kiev, WB 60 mil, European Investment Bank Tbl office, Misha in Baku, Greeks don’t extradite Bacho, GYLA case on Sakdrisi, CoC sets up new committee, Finland ratifies, Chile visas for some, Kobakhide genocide trip, no Otsneba to Janelidze funeral, crime level drop maybe, Moldovans check Nat Bank cash, Abkhaz don’t trust their gov, paired Brest and Batumi, Geo Women’s chess champs, Big mobiluri call scam arrests, domestic violence fashion event, new Burchaladze church, no military pride for 26 May, gender prizes, Brit and Japan investors, Geo Hansel in Turin, new manhattan Georgian spot, Margvel interested in parliamentary reform


Air defense, cop shot, Pankisi kids to ISIS, NGOs mad Gov is listening, Romania def min, Danish, Polish Swedish FMs to visit, Gharibashvili wants Sakdrisi gold mine working, EU ratifications, Turk, Az, Geo Def Mins meet, ODIHR shows up, ANP to NATO, Chinese factories in Kutaisi, ex US Embassy Orbeliani palace not sold by gov, bad sit for transgender in Geo, totaled German car import, Marneuli fight, Swiss landslide warning machine, Turkish lira counterfeit arrest, Russian cell company in Abkhazia and South Ossetia now in Georgia, Nigerians students die of gas poisoning, EU health deal signed, Ajara $, Margvel gives health min a medal, Japanese woman like Geo wine, US Coast Guard memorial, Geguti getting fixed up, new power line to Armenia, Google Maps expanding, docs on mountains get support, remains of Geo war dead from 2008, biodegradable bags, Kutaisi to Istanbul 30 Euro, tiny streets named for women, oxygen leak in Imereti, solidarity fund, PM has son, Corn Island prize, AIESEC forum, new parliamentary committee chairs, the Patriarch ok’s caviar.


UNM rally, Roland off, new IRI numbers, Nat Bank says rate stays same at 4.5%, Geneva talks tense, Nowruz in Marneuli, procs grill ex def min guy, Imedi says Dream pressure, Norway parliament boss visit, NGOs on Industry anti-west talk, PM to Kiev delay, Econ Min on China trade, Dutch investors, State says drug drop, Hep C plan, bacteria warning, interior min firing for Givi Targ info, Batumi mosque plan, university entrance exams, Margvel marches on World Down Syndrome Day, Big Shuakhevi dam loans, Airport top, international prosecutor group says sure fine go after UNM guys, biathlon track in Bakuriani, Lelo’s dominate, manuscript translation, Georigan and Korean sailors, Judo, Zaza Pachulia dominates, eggs in Italy, Donetsk kids visit, UK 28 mil, Georgian opera singers in La Scala, Georgians negative, Gvenetadze confirmed to head Supreme Court


Just Min dises Persians etc, Russia drills, China econ trip, gamgeblebi better build, lari news, photo puncher, gov upholstery ban, dep FM neighborhood chat, Czech shuki front ticked, OSCE longing, Brazil visa free, goofy Batumi tower sold, NetGazeti prize, Georgians at US Coast Guard Academy died in car wreck, female prisoners pardoned, Geo soldiers go to Afghanistan, Japan bus aid, EU vocation cash, Swiss meat in Racha, almond planting, stop for those on foot, Gabriadze at Lincoln Center, Kakheti anti hail missiles, tax forgiven, lynx spotted, Margvel speech, noise law


Gvenetadze Court, Misha advises Porpshenko, Nuland chat, BI in Kviris Palitra, waste processing plant Tbilisi, CoE says stop settling scores, blueberries in Guria, Lari drop blame fest, IMF, UNM protest, EU neighborhood changes, Gharibashvili in Brussels, Sakdrisi, Proc on complaints, Russian ag export, Usupashvili in US, party donations, NATO, journalist beaten, EUMM, food prices up, voters lists, Osset chief says stop going to Georgian docs, Pankisi photo school, archers, Gori villages get gas, constitution changes delayed, exports


Info man Kldiashvili arrest, Russian mining giant restart at Sakdrisi, US money appears, Russia sanctions, Zguladze Ukraine min, Interior reform, MEPs vote for Georgia, Kremlin annoyed with Georgia’s unrestrained NATO fetish so annex Abkhazia, EUMM two more years, Def Min employee arrested for 400 lari bribe, Latvian FM said EU visa grew for Georgia in 2015, lari drop, Zhvania guard released on bail, Otsneba wants to boot Free Dem Budget Committee chair, more Mokhe, Geo Airways still ticked, Margvel in Ashgabad, Dubliners deal with traffic, Georgian army with Germans to Mazar-i-Sharif, Mandarinebi for Golden Globe, 3K year old find in Kakheti, Harvard Georigan chair maybe, NY voices concert, liver transplant, CEC appointments, budget, excise, Arabs and girls, Mbube


RIP Bendukidze, Beruchashvili now FM, Garibashvili Alasania spar, BI interview gems, Otsneba lobbying in DC, Pankisi fight, tranny killed, new Vano Misha charges, al Shishani killed? Margvel to Parl re EW, Narmania starts plating seeds. EBRD Dariali dam, angry priests, Abkhaz water to Sokhumi.


RIP Bendukidze, Beruchashvili now FM, Garibashvili Alasania spar, BI interview gems, Otsneba lobbying in DC, Pankisi fight, tranny killed, new Vano Misha charges, al Shishani killed? Margvel to Parl re EW, Narmania starts plating seeds. EBRD Dariali dam, angry priests, Abkhaz water to Sokhumi,


Def Min Sting! Alasania out! Free Dems out! NATO/EU direction? Banks can’t own biz, doc classification, Estonia ratifies Geo EU deal, Chechens dissed, Abkhaz say no thanks, young Lelos win, MFA: Donbas vote BS, PACE says Rus Abkhaz deal bad, 100 Geos fight with Kiev, Azeris give Geo church free gas, Turk speaker visits, monitoring radioactive aerosols (!?), PM’s Chugo replacement, more Corn Island gold, wild west weather, Sinai flights, surveillance law back to parl, single parents in law, Azrebi on aggression, mirror mirror


Who bolted, New Ministers, Committee Chairs (names, names, names), New Gigi Cops, artful taxonomizing, Municipal funds to strip club, unemployment benefits?, BI: “biz probs? Go to court”, Gagra, Geneva talks, EU IDP cash, Zaza Burchuladze jumped, Akobia out, marine chat, salary stats, Coca Cola Chkonia will do Abkhazia deal, Batumi Istanbul flights.