
Kitoshvili on Okruashvili, Expensive AKs, Def Mins yell, new MIA passport fake, Aslan Abashidze trial, Tsotne Gamzakhurdia, Melnikov in Ukraine, Def Min gives up taps, Burton wins Shiva, CIS what? MPs and Biz, Givi overthrows Kremlin, Nanuashvili Ombudsman, who can downsize Supreme Court judges? Big Geo Parma gets regulated, health care changes, ambo for prisoner swap, Frenchness and MPness, Gulfstream G5 to Bombardier, gas goes down 5, fancy condom ban, muslims can’t come in, TV, poor baby hostage, BP data, Center Point, Pegasus flights, Pirosmani, Georgian movies


Givi Zaldastanishvili b day, Nazis, text book kick backs, new top prosecutor, Rus rep, Interior Dep Mins, students ticked, more vacations, ZZ death, Anaklia land, IDP dispute, New Ag Min talks cooperation, 3 mo Burj hiatus, Def Min 68 mil short, Just Min says Adeish good lawyer, no more taps, Constitutional Court GYLA Judgement (finally), SOCAR controls taps, Sosar ditches Mishas photo, sports shake up, Cartu guy in Ajara, Antelava Lukashenko & Chveni Will, Indians & Land, Borjomi strike over, Nigvziani Lebanon, Gulashvili out, cheap trash, Kodori family back, Def min council of elders, Patriarch & Gurchiani, Kokoity Fandarast guys, wombs, Justice servers, Soviet museum, calls from the joint, Kimeridze reopened, Grechikha’s son, Dutch Israeli dispute near baths, heavy metals in food, finger to Gorozia.