Partnership Fund buys chunk of Tbilisi for BI, Vashadze leaves Nationals, World Congress of Families get ready for Pilarmonia gig, Nat Bank buys more dollars, voter lists, IRI numbers, Otsneba and Margvel argue on court nominees, Nationals say biz folk forced to pay for Check in Georgia, Geo killed in Ukraine, ABL abduction, deserted villages, CoE rapporteurs, Hahn on visas, bike paths Mziuri, Geo OGP chair, start up funding, animals for Zoo, cop kills sheep fines shepherd, Tokyo Rope invests, workplace deaths, Nobel Partner, MoD stops food imports, no vote on Kosova UEFA, Khardziani arrests, sumo in Tbilisi, fencing win, EU culture cash, Gaprindashvili award, film directors everywhere, three new factories, bit more East West hwy, Geo wine in Paris, Emirates tourists, inflation drop, USAID IDP housing, Rustaveli in Korean, Kasakh flight, femicide draft, same sex marriage bs, Bloss at Frontline
Tag Archives: Mziuri Park
Dunbar, food arm chair quarterbacking, animal count, Alasania’s def min people out, Central Bank head selection process starts, Pankisi arrest, new Misha criminal case, Tiniko at NATO again with demand, Tamriko in South America, Margvel Cameron chat, Yerevan shuki riots, budget cuts, UEFA mess, Michael O’Boyle EU HR advisor, US terrorism report, French choppers, IS in North Cauk, Marneuli guy threatens blood over cartoon, Yazidi temple in Varketili, baby traffic, Tbilisi Google Maps complete. Kveda Ajara sale and hotel, Afpac Georgians find chemical explosives near Marmal, new Russian ABL abduction, winds in Marneuli, disability vacation, Geo car racer and Wimbelton, blueberries in UK, parliament violence against women law, Batsb, Misha’s new salary, Melua helps with flood, Car Free Tbilisi
BI at PACE, NDI/CRRC numbers, 152 mil in gifts, Misha slathers GoG $, 10k “renewed” UNM supporters, BI v Koba Davitashvili, Barnovi Mishas Chief of Staff, Liberali weed arrest, legalize it rally Sun, non Satanic ID video, Gigi wife DWI, text books, measles shots, Brussels & Barcelona flights, vetoes on courts, juries, new stupid ag bill, Old/New Tbilisi website, Dima’s page, new Azeri TV, mil spend, cool Geo Sundance doc in Tbl, free park concert list