
Visa free for Abkhaz and Osset Geo passport holders, Court about to decide wether to silence Rustavi 2 special clip, OSCE chair in town Janelidze DC trip, Tibilov furthers Alaniazation, Russian troops in S Ossetia inspected, Batumi Gulen school shut down because Erdogan said so, Maglaperidze kills Public Broadcaster, Kobakhidze on Constitutional Court, Ugulava interview, trans murderer gets 13 years, trans attack in nightclub, Imedi consolidates control of news, Azoti strike, Russian abduction, inflation 4, new hotels, labor problems at Fresco, Geo wine in France, Riga tourism, Glurjidze movie new heights, Rachvelishvili award, veto override judicial law, pedestrians, Muradashvili on Rustavi 2, Navarro on Misha


EU Parliament OKs visa free travel, Borjomi Bishop solicits fifteen year old, Ukraine releases Tsertsvadze, Misha split off now called Movement for Freedom European Georgia, Pres pardons innocent Def Min employees, CoE guy in town, Kaladze says Enguri will close for rehab, Congo chopper crash, Abashidze says no Russian diplomatic relations, drunk cops arrested, Vagzal fire, Gali protests border closures, Def Min protests re firings, Russian soldiers kidnap Gali man, more new blue airport busses, new Batumi bypass, Sachkhere fish, Beeline contract, rental cars, steep chacha, new Lelo shirts, Jr Eurovision, Paris models, idiotic surveillance draft, migrant numbers


EU parliament committee votes yes to visa free, NATO brass in TBL, Okruashvili enters Rustavi2 case, Armenian PM resigns, new UK Ambo, Otsneba list out, Audit Office fines donors, Coalition for a Euro-Atlantic Georgia, Chugo says Nationals have provocation wing, Bidzina says 2/3 seats Otsneba, Usupashvili wants US base, Gori sakrebulo ejects Okru ally, Sturua witnesses threatened, still environmental protests Tbilisi Meria, too many cars, fake phones, benchmark rate lowered, Exxon Mobile puts screws on Azeris, import duty rate overhaul, Enguri repairs coming, Tsinandali five star hotel 2018, Fabrika hostel soon, grapes start, Guria Hazelnut, new BoG CEO, domestic violence center opens, German busses, GIPA environmental MA, Parliament quorumless, legal committee says yes to Margvel judges, trust in banks goes down, Misha on anti Roma mob, Pomerantsev podcast


Iran visa free, new nat bank guy via IMF, Munich security chat, tax reform moves, fewer ministries, Enguri low so low Abkhaz shuki, Bidzina tree pause, Kutaisi flights, Topadze spazes on Tiniko, gay marriage guy blackmail, refugees, NATO ships, Adeisvili Iberia, PIK back maybe, Gennady flips re Zika plot, WB water on ABL and Gareja fix, PM on higher ed, Geo safe says Austria, Pankisi soldiers, more radar, state Muslim money, hotel booking, Japanese woman wine, no iodine salt arrests, Kazbegi truck stop, Dutch TV on mountain roads, translator dies, Jachvliani pulls stupid draft, anti porn law, Licinia book, Dunn on refugee support, Vancouver fraud


Lari drop,NATO chief visit, by-election boycott, 500 Russian railway troops in Abkhazia, China visit, AIIB founding, UN General Assembly visit drama cont., Otsneba searches for platform experts, Mushroom continues to fall apart, ABL abduction, Tibilov says no talk until ceasefire, Constitution 20 b-day, Burchaladze rumors, FM Kvirikashvili?, Ali and Nino statue broke, new old inscription, ice cream bacteria, Abkhaz football fans, Kvevri at UN Geneva, Ketevan back from India, frozen embryo to woman by court, Enguri historical, more airport drug busts, Ukrainian army treated at Tserovani, Shuki price to go way up, CT Park move kid, Pole saved on mountain, tourist marshutka wreck, Batumi investment event, crazy rain, grape subsidy, Israeli investment, Khevsur towers, Kakheti women, doc in Berlin on Osset wall, Ireland and Dadianis, L’Orial Georgian model, rugby in UK


Keeping Ugulava in, Topadze doesn’t like NATO or NGO’s, South Ossetia annexation, Dream riot in Zugdidi, Ed Min shows anti-UNM video to kids, city hall reshuffle, new US Ambo named, NATO survey team, Geo, Turk, Az presidents meet about pipeline, BI apears on his new 2030 show says people are confused, Kaladze talks to Abkhaz re Enguri Dam, Martvili by-election, BGI lawyer beat up, Zhvania forensic doc acquitted, Margvel speech delayed, Croatia signed, US exercises, EU customs doc, Geo joins EULIS, expensive furniture, Istanbul consul mess, Hyatt on Rustaveli soon, Swedish grant on services, Japan one village one product, Kikabidze Ukraine asylum, Greek arrests, aerial photo, ski win, 122 for deaf, LED street lamps, Moody’s says 3.5 growth 2015, HIV testing for youth, Kvirikashvili is honest, spelling bee


Exploding plant, Kist protest, EU brass Hahn visit, Geo soldier falls at Donetsk Airport, Arminia family murder by Russian soldier, OSCE parl visit, Oscar talk, Geo joins EU Ukraine Advisory Mission, NATO sec gen to visit in Feb, Garibashvili in Davos, new Supreme Court leader chat, Zguladze on Ukraine traffic police reform, Interior brass to Spain, (non) univ tower in Batumi to be sold, lost shepherd in Ergneti froze, 2:1 lari/$, EBRD SMEs, Enguri talks, Daesh whacko from Batumi, Armenian churches, priest who helped ferry passengers honored, Epiphany, prosecutors thank US, Koguasvhili Blind Date movie in Brussels, Zezva and Mzia in Israel, Japanese Telavi disabilities place, Sao Paulo Georigan film festival, Margvel: 2015 Year of Women, youth offenders change, bus tickets waved, Elbakidze collapses, Saturday Panorama protest 3pm Freedom Square


Abkhaz Russian “treaty” signed & hyperventilation, more MoD BS, 9th Block’s Back, prison torture letter, Misha charges, foreigners rape in Svaneti, Bendukidze funeral, leaning on Kvitsiani court, Latvia pres visit, lari plunge, Guantanamo Yemenis in Tbilisi, Margvel pardons, Georgian riot in Greece, violence against women demos, railway strikes, Hungry ratified EU deal, Free Gen at UNM, Fule said EU neighborhood policy irrational, Georgian Battalion back from Kandahar, Transgender day remembered, Sokhumi airport to Russians, gas pipeline 2, Giorgoba, Mall between Zugdidi and Abkhazia at bridge, Georgian movies in Kiev, Tbilisi homeless shelter, Tbilisi rugby stadium, Turkish corner, snow, tablecloths in Italy, Vardzia at night, Beselia’s bill for the Interior Ministry, wheelchairs in parking spots


#ErosiGate, Elections over, Shevy funeral, Strasbourg on anti-theif-in-law law, Procs question Mishas guards, first TBL sak session, Eshba fails Abkhaz exam, 2.8 tons of smack, Chikaidze rumor, Kaladze on R2, prisoners and guards via GYLA, Ergneti to reopen, brother harassed, Abkhaz body swap, fruit to Russia, neo-Lazika, GDS butt drum scandal, new Aspindza dig, Mestia flights, Tusheti chacha khanzi, Mercer says Tbilisi cheap, Corn Island award, DF Watch backs Iakob, pre trial detention to go from 90 to 15 days, exorcism in Kutaisi, Goltz on Shevy, residence visa info


CEC chief’s new career, EUMM does something, Bacho drama, Misha and BI spar at US ship event, Abkhaz war remembrance, Dream Margvel launch, Supreme Court protests, Misha dinner interrupted, Aug 2008 info request, Jgushia shoots, grape subsidy change, Gov takes Israeli hospitals, Econ min cancels Bakradze, new Airport and square names, Samsung, Uzbek trafficker, Girvliani guy flees, Khakhi on wind, drowned miners in Chiatura, wine export stats, hunting season, Bolnisi hotel, new tourist helpers, tiny earthquake, prison numbers, Polish and Russian videos, Aqua Park, Oda NYC