Germany says no visa lib now, Mechiauri new pol party clown squad, Russians move border sign, campaign started 8 June, JamFest mess, new Nat Bank dollar sale, Rustavi2 decision, RAO sells thermos, Kiwi wants to move, BI chats with RFE Geo patiently wait for NATO, Ed min fired, soldier fired for election fight, Misha moves to roadside tent, PM on Abkhaz murderer, OSCE observes, Euro Free Trade Assoc deal, UN res on IDPs, Bundestag genocide res, Abkhaz referendum on early elections, Abashidze says Geos held for spying released, CoE anti traffic group days good job Geo, 32 mil Delta deal with UAE, another woman killed by husband, ex prisoner center opens, child sex in CAR investigation, Pirosmani purchase, Abkhaz win CONIFA, 32 Geos to Olympics, Hualing hospital, Bazaleti hotel, Kiev journo dies on Kazbegi, Kazakhs in town, Tkibuli Zestaponi top cops fired over May Oni mess, Justice House in Borjomi, Mimino sequel, Maroon5, Sophia Loren will show up, Dusheti designer, Const court bill, no Supreme Ct confirmation
The MEME this week is a video going viral on Facebook that Maroon 5 posted. They are in Georgia and were treated to some traditional polyphonic singing. And they liked it lots.
**An ISET Economist analyzes the European Parliament’s decision to delay making a decision on visa liberalization for Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, and Kosovo. Link:
**The Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group provides a detailed report on attitudes toward the LGBTI community in Georgia. The report was prepared within the framework of the EU-funded project “Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia”. Link:
**The Christian Science Monitor explores the complicated relationship between Abkhazia and Russia. Link:
**Chai Khana looks at relics of Kutaisi’s 1990s-era organized crime networks. Link:
**Lincoln Mitchell’s Georgia analysis discusses recent incidents at the Kiwi Cafe and Tbilisi Jam!Fest. Link:
**Hans Gutbrod and William Dunbar discuss projections for the outcome of the parliamentary elections. Their crowd sourced guesses seem more or less right to me. Link:
**The Guardian interviews novelist Chris Morgan Jones about his travels in Georgia, which is the setting of his latest spy novel, “The Searcher.” Link:
**Tom De Waal writes in Foreign Affairs about Germany’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Link:
**The Economist explains the CONIFA World Cup and the various separatist states competing in it. Link:
**Paul Rimple writes in Beacon Reader about eating lunch with Anthony Bourdain at the Gabriadze Cafe. Link:
The MEME this week is a video going viral on Facebook that Maroon 5 posted. They are in Georgia and were treated to some traditional polyphonic singing. And they liked it lots.
An ISET Economist analyzes the European Parliament’s decision to delay making a decision on visa liberalization for Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, and Kosovo. Link:
The Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group provides a detailed report on attitudes toward the LGBTI community in Georgia. The report was prepared within the framework of the EU-funded project “Solidarity Network for LGBTI in Armenia and Georgia”. Link:
The Christian Science Monitor explores the complicated relationship between Abkhazia and Russia. Link:
Chai Khana looks at relics of Kutaisi’s 1990s-era organized crime networks. Link:
Lincoln Mitchell’s Georgia analysis discusses recent incidents at the Kiwi Cafe and Tbilisi Jam!Fest. Link:
Hans Gutbrod and William Dunbar discuss projections for the outcome of the parliamentary elections. Their crowd sourced guesses seem more or less right to me. Link:
The Guardian interviews novelist Chris Morgan Jones about his travels in Georgia, which is the setting of his latest spy novel, “The Searcher.” Link:
Tom De Waal writes in Foreign Affairs about Germany’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Link:
The Economist explains the CONIFA World Cup and the various separatist states competing in it. Link:
Paul Rimple writes in Beacon Reader about eating lunch with Anthony Bourdain at the Gabriadze Cafe. Link: