Brexit, Gazprom deal, NDI, BI looses half bil in tax dodge gone wrong, visa lib will happen say FMs, US dem brass in town, Vano was moved say court, Civil Av guy gets cash, Russia case, Erosi suicide says probe, Patriarchs in Cyprus Ilia and Kirill stay home, new ambos, R2 airport brawl, lari up, IDP Min bribe charge, left bank blast, Agro info, kurdi arrested, Rome Abkhaz office, EBRD bonds, Papashvili says stop Tbl building, IDP houses, pool finished, house for sick kids, Ganmakhuri garden, Jr Lelos win, ballerina dies, Father’s Day, Oxford on early Georgian church, more Batumi flights, young flood volunteer doc, Cannes ad win, more party ads, jury trials expand, sidewalk parking
Tag Archives: European Parliament
Dunbar! R2! Still EU visas! Vano gets Euros, flood BD, 3.5 mil voters says CEC, NATO chickenpox, homophobia referendum, PM in Berlin, Geneva talks, Russian abduction, BI painting and Ganmukhuri hotel, Ilia pulls church out of Cyprus powwow, Sokhumi mayor criticizes Russia, NB cuts to 7, FDI up, Delta Saudi deal, Kazakhs forgive debt, Urumqi, German biz, K St deal, Armo McDs, Aspindza bribes, 214 kg coke, Batumi death, Satekhia food sickness, Tskhneti cliff falls on road, kinder-protest, Three Sisters Chekov, Lordkipanidze, wrestlers beat US for bronze, Beselia bill on not employing UNM, Brutalist BOG
Info man Kldiashvili arrest, Russian mining giant restart at Sakdrisi, US money appears, Russia sanctions, Zguladze Ukraine min, Interior reform, MEPs vote for Georgia, Kremlin annoyed with Georgia’s unrestrained NATO fetish so annex Abkhazia, EUMM two more years, Def Min employee arrested for 400 lari bribe, Latvian FM said EU visa grew for Georgia in 2015, lari drop, Zhvania guard released on bail, Otsneba wants to boot Free Dem Budget Committee chair, more Mokhe, Geo Airways still ticked, Margvel in Ashgabad, Dubliners deal with traffic, Georgian army with Germans to Mazar-i-Sharif, Mandarinebi for Golden Globe, 3K year old find in Kakheti, Harvard Georigan chair maybe, NY voices concert, liver transplant, CEC appointments, budget, excise, Arabs and girls, Mbube