Info man Kldiashvili arrest, Russian mining giant restart at Sakdrisi, US money appears, Russia sanctions, Zguladze Ukraine min, Interior reform, MEPs vote for Georgia, Kremlin annoyed with Georgia’s unrestrained NATO fetish so annex Abkhazia, EUMM two more years, Def Min employee arrested for 400 lari bribe, Latvian FM said EU visa grew for Georgia in 2015, lari drop, Zhvania guard released on bail, Otsneba wants to boot Free Dem Budget Committee chair, more Mokhe, Geo Airways still ticked, Margvel in Ashgabad, Dubliners deal with traffic, Georgian army with Germans to Mazar-i-Sharif, Mandarinebi for Golden Globe, 3K year old find in Kakheti, Harvard Georigan chair maybe, NY voices concert, liver transplant, CEC appointments, budget, excise, Arabs and girls, Mbube
Tag Archives: EU Association Agreement
EU deal, Gigi airport nab, another Bacho charge, foreigner ag land, elections, dark Brit dissed at airport, ships get better, Pankisi floods, few cars to AZ, drug dogs, biz up on EU deal, cheap Hep C drugs, art students ticked, CIS trade chat, credit cards, Charkviani suicide, camel attack, past Russian agreements, Ramishvili on zombies in Kakheti.
EU Ass Ag! UNM Baku Airport drama, Pataraia with Margvel, revotes, Narmania’s mom peeks, no MAP yet, Russia relations, Ossets want Union, Ossets rec Lugansk, TI wins foreign ag land case, bonus limits, illegal Dream cash, peace index, trafficking problems re labor inspector, new military strategy, new coast guard base, UNM guys beat up, Australia dumps homophobic soprano, new Ambo from Armo, Frontera says big gas find, construction fraud arrest, prescriptions for antibiotics, new Kiev flights, Russian Orth music, new EU Alumni chair, parking, La Blond on fake demo, Onnik on peace.