More majorararians, Gonio trafficking, Bass at Atlantic Council, Maina Kiai UN report, Imereti wants dishes, Zestaponi sign, Kurtanidze sting, real honey pot, no pre election fines for poor, Rustavi potatoes, Shalva cash, TI Geo Pharma report, deflation, more mine BS, Barambo Ibermeat and Natakhtari Aragvi pollution, IC Group (insurance) death, Rurua and Bagrat, Rashid Nurgaliyev “working visit”, Georgia 2012 NATO exercise, Moldovan wants Misha, Canadian undies, Henry Kerali WB post, Narikala hotel, Ski Goderdzi, Banana Republic Gap in Northwest Territories, more Astana, Yerevan Ajara quick.
It is my reading of the declaration that Shalva got 60 odd grand in total, 32 thousand of which was a bonus. The issue here is who decided he deserved a bonus and why. Especially since Tagamadze and other MPs who actually do their jobs get far smaller bonuses….
Uptown Tbilisi is the name of Rakeen’s development project. I’m almost certain it is the new Tbilisi Mall. Rakeen is the Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority’s property development and investment arm.
The deflation rate is on an annual basis, or 3.3 percent for the year.
Toata lumea ii arata pe rusi cu degetul si ii acuza de orice.Numai daca ma uit la ce telvnoeele fac ei si ma fac sa afirm ca pana si aici nu pot sa faca un lucru de mantuiala. Nu urmarec, insa am fost socat vazand ce decoruri au, ce costune, ce sunet .. in TELENOVELE!!!!!
Mark, don’t forget “His Holiness” when you mention my name, or will set this guy on you
I read some of your blog-posts, it’s really ueaelinvbble, almost ueaelinvbble what you’re saying, but on the other hand I don’t see any reason why you should lie. I hope now everything is ok and will be.დოდ,ზემოთ წერ, არარეალურია და მგონი ფანტაზიორობსო, კაი რა, შეხედე, მშვენიერი მულატი გოგოა და რა გასაკვირია რო სოფელში დაეჩალიჩნენ. მითუმეტეს ვიღაცამ ცოტა ინგლისური იცოდა და დაუწყო სმს-ების გზავნა. სოფელში კი არა, თბილისში აქვთ სექსის დეფიციტი და დახამებული არიან და იქ ხო წარმოგიდგენია რა იქნება
I was just wondering whether you had read my comment on the page of the podcast of two weeks ago. (I.e. it seems any podcasts but the most recent one are inaccessible.) If you have and can’t do anything about it, too bad.
thanks so much for your comment! It is only my oinpion that Ouspensky elevated and refined the work. But lets say you are right and that Gurdjieff was more elevated. I absolutely think that a “lesser” man can move the teaching along further because he is more aligned with the time or place or zeitgeist. An example is Martin Luther King he was the right man for the job at the right time to move civil rights forward even if there were others in his tradition who actually knew the material better and struggled with less demons.Also consider the way a gravity tractor works (gravity tractor being a method to drag asteroids out of earths orbit by using the attractive gravitational force between two objects) you need something fairly massive to come into proximity with the asteroid but if it is too big the tractor doesn’t work.Anyway, I poked around your blog and look forward to engaging there as well. I am passionate about the Alexander Technique as well.
Love it! “Reverse psychology”. AKA soemeimts the more honest approach. I could sit and read these stories for hours doing so totally helped me hone in on what was bugging me about my own project that needs a creative solution. I don’t have the answer yet but I at least know the question! What I love best about the openness of your experiment is that it “gets” that people have stories and problems and that connectivity is the answer to a creative solution. People are beautiful. I bet you get to witness that all the time. Kick ass writing too. many blessings on your journey.