Turava ill but Gigi’s sprung, cheap grapes, Chinese power plant, Margvel Poroshenko talk, US Ambo Kelly arrives, Albanian chat, OGP, Russian OSCE parl will show up, anti- Misha petition, tolerance class not happening, Svan dam, 3M Euro Agro, Gurieli factory in Ozurgeti, some Zoo opens, Italian biz in Abkhazia, 80 Gali students in Tbilisi, #ElectricYerevan back, China beauty TV in Geo, 400 Geos in Antalya no plane, East Point mall, prisoner improvements, Tbilisi Minsk, back to school, Svaneti museum award, Dinola movie, Vegas wrestling champ, Tskitishvili back in NBA, Moira movie, Chief Prosecutor appointment plan ajapsandali
The MEME this week is a photoshopped photo on facebook showing Constitutional Court judge Turava stuck in an outhouse, hinting at why felt ill just at the wrong time. Link: http://on.fb.me/1iUp5KA
The Forward looks at Georgia’s dwindling Jewish community, but some Jewish life is coming back to the country, mainly in the form of Israeli tourists. Link: http://bit.ly/1KqnW3s
Foreign Policy has a photoessay on Soviet bus stops, featuring the works of Canadian photographer Christopher Herwig. A whole bunch of decaying structures from Abkhazia, Armenia, and Central Asia. Link: http://atfp.co/1QENjDG
The International Business Times profiles Mamuka Mamulashvili, who leads the Georgian legion fighting Russia in Eastern Ukraine and is trying to get funding for U.S. vets to train his soldiers. Link: http://bit.ly/1Kw64Zo
George Lomsadze for Eurasianet explores the possibility of Russia using Georgian airspace for military and humanitarian transit to Syria. Link: http://bit.ly/1NHJKhG
The trailer for the film Moira. Link: http://bit.ly/1F6iyXf
The Washington Post has a list of 5 Georgian wines to try. Link: http://wapo.st/1Mej4C9
This week’s CRRC blog looks at what Georgians think about journalists. Link: http://bit.ly/1OCviqF
Agenda.ge sums up some information on what kinds of cars Georgians own. Link: http://bit.ly/1gxazqe
DFWatch reports on research by IDFI that shows that there are twice as many men than women working in public administration in Georgia. Link: http://bit.ly/1F6iE1d