
Sport kids, Geo join EU Rus sanctions, bank supervision mess continues, MEP visit, IMEDI TV on virginity, bad trafficking grade from US, Armenia border shift, Cuba ambo, Iranians visit re admin reform, Armo PM visit, BI soldier donation, shuki hike, Tiniko on Ukraine and Misha, Placebo-gate, Spain ratified association, crime drops says min, MCC 12 mil to vocational training, Basilashvili to 90th in world tennis, new public service hall in Poti, film tax break, Margvel Polish accident, Vazhaoba, Hep C tests, South African weed arrest, Sofia Geo arrest, Lotkini fire, sport venue tax break, chip factory, bike trails on ski slopes, chief prosecutor appointment wrangling, upside down flags, Botso dies, dust levels, GEMfest, Fatboy Slim

One thought on “TBLPOD30july2015

  1. The MEME this week is a photo of the German flag hung upside down during an official meeting of Defense Minister Tiniko Khidasheli and the new German ambassador. Link: http://bit.ly/1I5dv7e

    And also the Olympic flag hung upside down during the opening ceremony of the European Youth Olympic Festival. Link: http://bit.ly/1gqUFyt

    And the opening speech at the games from the Chairman of the Tbilisi 2015 EYOF committee. Link: http://bit.ly/1SPsxkq

    Agenda.ge profiles Georgian musical genius ‘Botso’ Korisheli, who recently died at age 93. Link: http://bit.ly/1ORp84h

    Another obit for Korisheli, from San Luis Obispo, California, where he lives and died, about his legacy for the community. Link: http://bit.ly/1ORpaJk

    Tornike Sharashenidze for ECFR looks at Russian soft power in Georgia since 2012. Link: http://bit.ly/1JRbbyI

    DfWatch looks at daily life on the administrative boundary line with South Ossetia. Link: http://bit.ly/1DcQ11c

    Paul Rimple covers Russia’s land grab for the Beacon Reader, and calls on Georgia’s Western allies to show some spine. Link: http://bit.ly/1IuIH17

    Giorgi Lomsadze for Eurasianet covers the EBRD-sexy scandal from last week. Link: http://bit.ly/1eDJcK9

    Georgian Journal has a list of the dumbest things Georgian politicians have said. Link: http://bit.ly/1gqV5F5

    The CRRC blog this week looks at self perceptions of employment opportunities in Armenia and Georgia. Link: http://bit.ly/1IuIKtO

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