Proc Gen from Parl, VazagashGate grenade arrest, Margvel Supreme Court short list, Def Min resignation, PM and VP Munich chat, PM with Orban, construction bribe, Geo e-visas, certain forces chatter, Margvel parl speech, Bundestag pres visit, Russian NATO goon Grushko ticked, Sida Goga Gigauri stuff, Otsneba looses majority in Ajara assembly, illegal Vake Park hotel construction still halted, Kutaisi cop wife driver issue, Bulgaria visa simplification, Prison 17 chief arrested, Khobe direct sale for laurel trees to Tamazishvilis, frank Alasania interview, ISAF honors, Abkhaz graves, Poland ratifies, Poti fishermen angry, Gmaps changes to Sokhumi, Geo movies, Misha on Ukrainian army beating Russia, TBC snow machines, Astana, Swede Geo Chamber of Commerce, ADB west water fixing, 20 Geo start ups get Estonian help, Lelos smash Germany, lots of Georgian books, ad law targets R2, zebra crossing in Tbilisi
I love to listen to your programme every week, and I like the variety of music that you select (happily surprised by No Diggity last week!).
I was wondering something that you might know the answer to. You’ve in the past (correct me if I’m wrong) repeatedly stated that Saakashvili and the UNM are good friends of the Hungarian ruling party, and of Viktor Orbán in particular, and that some exiled UNM members spend a lot of time there. But Orbán also seems to have become good friends with Putin in recent times, with Hungary being seen as a weak link in the EU’s resolve against Russia, and with this being explicitly cited as a factor in the falling out between Orbán and his high school friend/media mogul – now turned enemy Lajos Simicska, e.g. in this article (in Norwegian, sorry):
Could you explain how this works for the UNM and Saakashvili? Do you know whether they are perhaps less close with Orbán than before?
It is very simple. Saakashvili and his Nazis (UNM) stole billions of dollars. Viktor Orbán is a whore. The Nazis use stolen money to pay for their refuge. Whores don’t care who they fuck as long as you pay, hence the friendship with Vlad.
The MEME this week is a video by two TV comedy presenters from the show Apartment 18 on GDS, showing an experiment: Will drivers on a busy Tbilisi street stop for pedestrians at the zebra crossing? So the answer is no, but one guy did and they thanked him, lots of confetti, threw him up in the air and even swept up the confetti afterwards. Link:
Watch the official teaser for the film Partisan, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January. Parts of it were filmed in Chiatura and Tskalbuto. Link:
Israeli newssite Haaretz has an article and pictures on Jewish history and life in Georgia, which serves more as an advert for Georgia. Link:
According to the highly authoritative web site Press Cave, Georgia is in the top 10 safest countries in the world, alongside Iceland, Denmark, Japan, Canada. Link:
This week’s CRRC blog post explores who in Georgia is more inclined to participate in demonstrations based on the perceived efficacy of actions. Link:
Larry Rohter for the New York Times interviews Zaza Urushadze, the director of Tangerines; the role of the Georgian soldier is based on Urushadze’s friend who went to fight in the Abkhazia war. Link:
Louis Project reviews for Tangerines for CounterPunch, saying “this is a film that will allow you to see the futility of wars.” Link:
Leonid Rogozin writes for Bloomberg on Eka Zguladze’s police reforms in Kiev. The plan is to replace 80% of personnel within five years and to raise salaries. Link:
RFE/RL journalists Salome Asatiani and Robert Coalson write about the Vazagashvili case and the specter of police violence that still haunts Georgia. Link:
Online Casino Reports would like to inform you about an upcoming iGaming i.e. gambling conference that will be in Tbilisi on the 20th of february, organized by russian company Smile-Expo. Meant to promote investment in Georgia as an “iGaming leader” in the region. Link:
Georgian Journal talks with Russian Kremlin opponent Garry Kasparov where he assesses Russian-Georgian relations. He says that with aggression in Ukraine unchecked, “it should be expected that Putin will soon turn his gaze towards …. Georgia and Azerbaijan, [which are] tempting targets for him, since Russian bases in Armenia allow for the creation of a land-based corridor.” Link:
Again from Georgian Journal, asking if natural gas prices will rise in Georgia and just a lot of info in general on Georgia’s role as a transit country. Link:
New podcast coming any time soon? Hope alls well.