
Info man Kldiashvili arrest, Russian mining giant restart at Sakdrisi, US money appears, Russia sanctions, Zguladze Ukraine min, Interior reform, MEPs vote for Georgia, Kremlin annoyed with Georgia’s unrestrained NATO fetish so annex Abkhazia, EUMM two more years, Def Min employee arrested for 400 lari bribe, Latvian FM said EU visa grew for Georgia in 2015, lari drop, Zhvania guard released on bail, Otsneba wants to boot Free Dem Budget Committee chair, more Mokhe, Geo Airways still ticked, Margvel in Ashgabad, Dubliners deal with traffic, Georgian army with Germans to Mazar-i-Sharif, Mandarinebi for Golden Globe, 3K year old find in Kakheti, Harvard Georigan chair maybe, NY voices concert, liver transplant, CEC appointments, budget, excise, Arabs and girls, Mbube

One thought on “TBLPOD18dec2014

  1. My Georgian Journal and Kviris Palitra column this week is about the Russian economy, the price of oil, the importance of predictability and how that relates to Georgia. Link: http://bit.ly/1x3LP0a

    The MEME this week is some photos posted by the Dutch Embassy in Georgia on their facebook page. It shows some projects they’re working on — a Tbilisi street with a bike lane! Link: http://on.fb.me/1GwUTvs


    Giorgi Lomsadze reports for Eurasianet on BI’s alleged shady personal past. Link: http://bit.ly/1v5G6kg

    Photos of Tbilisi that RFE/RL re-upped on their site this week. Link: http://bit.ly/1wR50qI

    Interesting article on documenting the geography of academic plagiarism. Georgia seems red flagged there. Link: http://bit.ly/1Ght5uW

    Another analysis on the Russia-Abkhazia treaty and what the EU has to to with all this. In Carnegie Europe. Link: http://ceip.org/13Fgmoj

    In the National Interest, on how Iran tries to skirt Western sanctions via Georgia. Link: http://bit.ly/1zWnath

    Georgian athletes did well at various sporting competitions; Agenda.ge sums up some of their achievements. Link: http://bit.ly/1z265KL

    Another instalment in the Georgian Journal series on the Mdivani family, this one with a focus on the eldest child Nino and everyone’s multiple marriages. Link: http://bit.ly/13FgsMA

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