Will’s back! Elections, Khajimba, Machavariani, Barroso fleeced, new German, drunk Interior video, Polish asylum offer to Vano, Freedom House, Rikoti landslide, Larsi reopened, president award shift plot, Georgians in Mosul, Kazakh’s split, shady Russian investors, Japanese medical equipment, Navarro Orthodoxizes, priest insults Armenian kid, Arabs kicked out of pool, worker deaths, Archeologist drug, new Kakheti mud resort, Tusheti land tenure, wine numbers, parliament out, Dato and the watermelon, more KazanTip, TBL turnout number.
The MEME this week a photo of Georgian Dream’s mayoral candidate for Tbilisi, Dato Narmania, posted by UNM MP Givi Targamadze. In the photo, Narmania is, in Targamadze’s words, crouching in a “spiderman-like pose” on a beach and cutting a watermelon. Targamadze titled the photo “spiderman and UNM’s secret casket.” The photo went viral and inspired many caricatures on Facebook. Link: http://on.fb.me/1piKPx0
TI Georgia’s assessment of the 2014 local government elections.
Link: http://bit.ly/UPUUbz
An analysis of Georgian-Russian relations by Dr Eberhard Sanschneider, in the run-up to the signing of the 27th of June Association Agreement.
Link: http://bit.ly/1qvskZQ
An article in Liberali by Dustin Gilbreath about the Caucasus Research Resource Center’s findings about the 2014 municipal elections.
Link: http://bit.ly/1lC9T42
An article in ISET by Saba Devdariani about the Economics of Prostitution. Link: http://bit.ly/1qvt55d
An article by Jennifer Rankin in The Guardian about fashion brands violating labour laws in eastern Europe. Link: http://bit.ly/UgnWk3
An article in DFWatch.net about the music festival KazanTip.
Link: http://bit.ly/1piM1QM
I guess it is that obnoxious brit who stimulates your “You Know” count… Your count was 32.
I cringe when the OB says “we”. I would trade him for a Punjabi farmer in a minute, at least they are functional and productive