
Rustavi 2 closer to being shut by government, graphic video release times with NDI polls, Kvirikashvili with Ilham, more Gazprom talk, ICC in Georgia, Dream support falls, EU support down, Const Court harassed, Georgia in Afghanistan past 2017, first eight members of Proc Council, Tibilov wants to join Russia, lari down a bit, Margvel in Israel, Ukraine brass in Tbilisi, IB at Dream party congress, EBRD loan to Kutaisi sewers, EU Hahn will visit Tbl in Nov, three hydros on Mtkvari planned, Chinese power plant in Tkibuli planned, Turk power plant in Kakheti, US ship in Batumi, Tabula arrests for putting up posters, drug tests change, manuscripts UNESCO, Canadian ski plan, Chinese Tbilisi Sea hotel opens, OGP says Georgia good, judo win, swimmer no go, Univ demo on bad leadership, Axis Vake building restarts, Wardrop sculpture, Ketevan tile in Mukhrani, remittences drop

2 thoughts on “TBLPOD22oct2015

  1. TI Georgia details the challenges of Georgia’s new immigration policy. Link: http://bit.ly/1LKMe9W

    For the CRRC, Till Bruckner looks at whether think tanks in Georgia function as foreign lobbyists. Link: http://bit.ly/1jYDwO3

    The ISET blog looks at the history and future of silk production in Georgia. Link: http://bit.ly/1W9gSnn

    The Telegraph lists the world’s best city skylines and includes Tbilisi. Link: http://bit.ly/1W9gSE7

    The site Culture Trip has a list of the most difficult languages to learn, which includes Georgian. Link: http://bit.ly/1S0HGR8

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