Nixon & Gamzakhurdia, Patriarch against some babies, prosecutor steps down, new exec parliament majority chats, Sakrebulo budget mess, PM says BI is dear, PM’s flats, Bigvava replaces Kandiashvili, Ossetians release Georgian, 87 pardons, Poti airport canceled, Russia simplified transit visas, Gigi’s mother in law’s flat, UNM folk demo re Vano & Gigi, Demitrov signs EU deal, Marvel on bag, Gio Kikvadze heads the mega fund, Stalin statues, mandaturi changes, TV3 says Gigi threatened, Public Broadcaster funds, parliament web hack, inflation, new lari symbol competition, one million for Ketevan, Guria Jehovas attacked, French say Georgia ok, Rough Guides say Georgia is top, tourist numbers up, no snow in Gudauri, moonshine deaths, Ilia 81, Amirejibi road, magnet man, constitution comission, questioning, liberty law, Mother Paraskeva
The MEME this week: Pilgrims streamed to Mtskheta after it was reported that Mother Paraskeva – a spiritual child of Father Gabriel – had a vision of Father Gabriel saying all people visiting his grave in Mtskheta before the Orthodox Christmas on the 7th of January would be granted two wishes. Vehicle access to the town was reported as practically impossible. Police crews on the roads were working to organize traffic. From a video, you can see two letters in which people ask for health, selling their flat for a good prize, returning of a son from prison and a good fate for their children. Later Mother Paraskeva denied having the vision and said somebody used the rumor for “other goals”. Link:
An article by Neli Esipova and Julie Ray in about former soviet coutries after the breakup of the USSR. According to the survey, residents in 7 out of 11 former soviet countries believe that the USSR’s collapse harmed their countries more than it benefited them. Only Azerbaijanis, Kazakhstanis, and Turkmens are more likely to see the benefit over the harm from the breakup. Georgians are divided. Adults between the ages of 15 and 44 — some of whom were not even born or were very young at the time of the breakup — are nearly three times as likely as those 65 and older to say the collapse benefited the country. In other countries there are not the generational differences that Georgia has. Overall, residents who are more educated are less likely to say that the collapse harmed their country and more likely to say it benefited them. Kyrgyzstan is the exception. Results are based on face-to-face interviews with at least 1,000 adults, aged 15 and older, conducted between June and August 2013. Link:
An article by the Russian BBC about security measures in Sochi. According to the article the closed security zone of Sochi resort, which is to host winter Olympic Games 2014, will be extended to Abkhazia. Security measures are regulated under the decree issued by president of Russia Vladimir Putin. The same decree includes the creation of the closed security zone, where only people with official or job missions will be accepted. The borders of the closed zone are specified in the decree – one part of it passes on the Karachai-Circassia border and reaches the borders of Abkhazia. BBC is also reporting that the zone will include controlled areas, where visitors will have to pass police check points. Over 30 thousand officers of Russian police and military troops will be deployed in the security zones.These measures will be in force until the games are over. Link:
An article by Rayhan Demytrie titled “Georgia’s disabled locked in a box” in BBC. According to the article, Georgia became one of the first ex-Soviet republics to abolish state orphanages in favor of foster care. But disabled children continue to be marginalised and face the prospect of life-long isolation from society. According to official statistics, out of 49 orphanages operating in 2005 only three remain. In its recent report “Left Behind”, Disability Rights International accuses the Georgian government of excluding disabled children from its child care reform and turning a blind eye to a parallel system of orphanages run by the Georgian Orthodox Church. The report claims that an unknown number of children are housed within the Church system and are vulnerable to abuse. Link:
On the 11th of January at 8 PM “Tbilisi Salsa” and bar-restaurant “Aqua Pub” invites everybody to the New Year salsa party with latin music and a workshop. Entrance is free. Address: #112 Leselidze Str.
If you’re in portland and looking for some great georgian food, go to KargiGogo, the Georgian food cart pod. They sell Badrijani, Lobiani, Khinkali, Khachapuri, and more. Tell your Portland, Oregon friends about it. For more info, go to, or look up @KargiGogoPDX on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.