
Will & Mathias! Margvelashvili! GeoCell honest about GoG spying, Misha speech, new PM name, Margvel’s chief of staff, Imerlishvili to be Giga, Gamzakhurdia to be in Exile Abkhaz gov, EU & Vilnius, Bacho, governors resign, KUDI fake IDs, boring Gharibashvili report, Russian Telecom, heat to ABL folk, Genady goes, Misha Akhalkalaki fight, traffic fines, youth palace weapons, Giorgadze will arrive, parliament & Kutaisi, Margvel’s partner, Doing Business again.

8 thoughts on “TBLPOD31oct2013

  1. The MEME this week:
    On the 27th of October Margvelashvili met with the Patriarch Ilia II. His girlfriend Maka Chichua and his daughter Ana accompanied him. A lot of speculation has been going on about Margvelashvili’s marital status. The concern for Georgians is that there will be no first lady. What should they call Maka? The first girlfriend? At a press conference after the election, a journalist asked the president elect whether he plans to get married. Margvelashvili said no. Link: http://goo.gl/2lNYS8


    An Article by Tom de Waal on ForeignAffairs.com about the Saakashvili presidency. Link: http://goo.gl/KdE5Me

    An article by Neil Buckley on the Financial Times about the potential arrest of Misha. Link: http://goo.gl/IuUTCt

    An article by Krzysztof Lisek on EurActiv.com about Misha’s ten year presidency. Link: http://goo.gl/ZxNMnY

    An article by Margarita Antidze and Timothy Heritage on Reuters about Georgia’s new president. Link: http://goo.gl/cuFzC6

    An article by Will Englund on the Washington Post about the presidential elections. Link: http://goo.gl/1fB0N4

    An article by David Herszenhorn on the New York Times about the elections and BI’s unnamed successor. Link: http://goo.gl/q6zrZK

    Zazanova’s is having a halloween party. It starts at 9 PM on #2 Lagidze street. Entrance is free if you’re in a costume. For additional details visit: facebook.com/Zazanova

    Canudos is hosting a Halloween party. Doors open at 6 PM. If you don’t have a costume, face is painting available at the door for 5 lari. For additional info check out their FB page: facebook.com/Canudos. They are located on Javakhishvili, formerly elbakidze street

    On the 6th of November the German Business Association together with Messe Frankfurt will host the seminar “Trade Fair Marketing”. Messe Frankfurt experts Ms. Heike Vogel-Schenkewitz and Mr. Jürgen Werz are the organizers. The one-day course is set to inform prospective exhibitors about organizing a successful fair trade. The language of the seminar is English. For additional info visit Georgien.ahk.de

  2. Just great program all over! So good to hear all of you are back. It was me, Irina and Zurab that created the law that will not allow non of you to leave samshablo. For the sake of quality of course. Carmin have been deported for being to much in love with Bidzina.

  3. Can’t you have some discussion of the argumentation about the Misha legacy?

    From the Otsneba motley crew and their owner it has been argued that anything positive said by westerners about Misha and the Rose Revolution just show the level of the bribes they have taken or their level of ignorance preferably in a combination.

    From the well paid distinguished left leaning analytical crew it has been argued in the same categorical way but the argument has been that Misha was a project governed by George W. Bush, Richard Nixon in some neoliberal evil conspiracy secretly overseen by Pinochet. Who have anything good to say about Misha are just these few uninformed or evil right-wingers preferably in a combination. Sometimes they were charmed and seduced by Misha to support a fake right-wing kingdom where in fact homosexuals are not persecuted and you were allowed to read what books you wanted.

    In essence this means that both groups agree upon that whoever that have anything good to say about Misha is uninformed. The difference between them is that one group then attaches bribery and the other right-wing conspiracy to their argumentation. Not very much of arguments for having a discussion but rather these things you say to avoid having a serious argumentation about facts. Actuality it reminds me quite much of an argumentation of five year olds. If you don’t agree with me you’re an idiot and if you continue to argue you’re a pig.

    Both these groups now have a great problem. One of the world’s most experienced, informed, intelligent foreign ministers is from Sweden. His knowledge of world politics and his network outclasses most other foreign minister. He have had decades of meetings with almost every world leader and foreign minister and he have also most often great knowledge on the ground. He represents a country and government that places human rights above everything in their development and aid-programs. Sweden gives Georgia a top five priority in the development and aid budget. Sweden has not been at war for some 200 years, don’t even belong to NATO, don’t even using the Euro and they are late comers in the EU family. After Denmark the country have they highest taxes in the world with a well organised welfare state and great cooperation and respect for the trade unions. The foreign minister Carl Bildt has soon been a foreign minister for eight years. Before that he was EUs highest representative trying to mediate and resolve the result of the Yugoslavian wars and before this he was the prime minister of Sweden. Since a young man he have had a burning interest for freedom, human rights and Eastern Europe and was as a teenager first hand witness when the Soviets with Warsaw pact forces occupied Czechoslovakia and crushed the Prague spring. Carl Bildt’s evaluation of Misha and the Rose Revolution is on the whole very positive even though he of course included some of the, on the whole, minor mistakes. He describes Misha the following way: “With his energy, impatience and doubtless talent he is hardly a person that leaves many indifferent. He is without doubt one of the post-soviet eras and the post-soviet areas most interesting and most important persons.”

    If the former group of Otsneba loyalists would like to call Carl Bildt bribed and uninformed they have a very strict and harsh scale that if consequently followed would make them provincial Russian prostitutes working for the FSB, to be fair. This does not seem very reasonable or like an adequate description.

    The latter group of left leaning GONGO and NGO mostly Soros financed employees has a comparable problem. If they would like to explain Carl Bildt’s positive evaluation of Misha and the progress since the Rose Revolution as a sign of a Swedish evil neoliberal imperialistic empire trying to enslave a poor by heart socialistic people in a right-wing conspiracy forcing the Georgian people to leave their true orthodox Russian spirit, their innate Moscow friends and instead drive Volvo, listen to Lykke Li, buying IKEA furniture and have low taxes around 60% then it must mean that your left wing ideals are in fact far beyond, Mao, Lenin, Stalin and maybe also Pol Pot.

    I guess that if Vaclav Havel was alive his evaluation of Misha and the Rose Revolution would have been very close to Carl Bildt’s. The comments he made over the years were always in favour of Misha, the Georgian government and the Georgian people. But I guess that if you really and truly love Mao and Pol Pot, Havel is just a bourgeoisie humanist and pseudo democrat just like Carl Bildt.

    • Anuki, I am sure the folks from Bosnia, especially Srebrenica would disagree with your glowing assessment of Mr Bildts Balkan experiences. His, and the others tasked with mediating the conflict, failure to stand up to Milosevic gave the Serbs a green light to carry on their atrocties with impunity. He went after weaker foes, like Franjo Tudjumen, again without too much success. I dont think there will ever be any statues of him erected in Bosnia.
      In Georgia, this past year is when Misha really illustrated his true self. Everytime he opens his mouth, he digs a deeper hole for himself and his cronies.Good bye and good riddance.

      • Dear Liam, I don’t really see that “Before that he was EUs highest representative trying to mediate and resolve the result of the Yugoslavian wars” is a “glowing assessment” but a rather restrained neutral description. By the way, if Bildt was or was not a successful mediator is not relevant for my discussion. I mentioned that he was a Swedish prime-minister also in a totally neutral way. I’m sure that some (a lot of) people disliked him or was dissatisfied with his work but that is neither relevant. Some even dislikes his work as foreign minister. My point was more that Bildt did not start wars but mediated, governed a peaceful humanistic country and is a quite decent man trying to make the world better, more peaceful and more humanistic place and also to show that whoever that try to call him uninformed, bribed or a crazy right-winger for the sake of for his appreciation of Misha simply is not telling the truth. There might even be facts and reasons for appreciating Misha. Like Bildt I think that Misha should be mainly judged by comparing how the country looked before the Rose Revolution and how Georgia looks today. For us who saw Georgia under Shevardnadze and before it’s quite easy.

        • Anuki,
          It is highly possible that Mr Bildt was pleased with Misha, as he provided Carl with another opportunity to use his skills in conflict mediation, by his foolish and potentially criminal foray into T’skinvali.
          I for one disagree with your simplistic attitude of rating Misha’s legacy based upon how the country looks today than under Eduard S. In fact, lets put off the comparisons until after the 17th, when Misha can’t pardon any more of his cronies.

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